Part 8- The Truest Believer

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Meanwhile is storybrooke:
Greg and Tamara have strict order from the home office to take Henry through a portal to Neverland. The boy's moms, however, never let him out of there sight so it's hard to slip past them. The boy's father-Neil-is dating Tamara so it was easier to get to the boy.

Greg kidnapped Regina in hopes to get her away from Henry while Tamara got him. Emma however had other plans. She found Greg and Regina and almost shot him Tamara came back with the boy though.

"You shoot him, I shoot your son," Tamara hissed, Emma lowered her weapon.

"Good job Emma," Greg slow clapped and then Tamara knocked her out with the butt of her gun.

"Tie her up and meet me at the docks with the bean," Tamara ordered Greg. He nodded and tied Emma to a pipe before heading to the docks to get to Neverland with the boy.

When they arrived, the home office showed up, being led by a girl with H/C hair and flames in her hands.

"We're going to be needing that boy," the girl said, flashing a wicked grin before shooting fire and the man.

"Henry run!" Tamara said, the small child took off.

"Mercy, get the boy, we'll meet you there," one boy said to the girl she nodded and ran off to find him.

Mercy wasn't dumb she saw as Pan pulled Henry into the bush, dressed as a lost boy. She rolled her eyes and ran past them, acting like she didn't notice.

"Who's that girl. Maybe we can take her down together," Henry told Pan.

"No can do. She's just as vicious as Pan. He trained her himself," Pan said, sounding scared.

"Oh. We can't stay here forever though"

"Come on. I know somewhere they won't look for us"

Henry blindly trusted him without even being given a name. How idiotic of him.

Mercy watched as they ran towards the echo caves and sighed as she walked to the meeting point.

A while later Henry and Pan fall out from the sky, you winced for Pan, the boy landed on top of him.

"See I told you! You just have to believe and it works!" The newest member called, jumping with joy. Pan found my eyes and rolled them with me.

"You couldn't be more right Henry," Pan said, smirking menacingly at the boy.

"What-You said you were running from Pan! You are one of his lost boys!" Henry said annoyed he had been lied to.

"You're wrong Henry. I am Peter Pan! Mercy!" He shouted.

The boy looked confused as to why he was asked for Mercy, Henry had done nothing. Henry gasped as the same female emerged from the shadows and stood next to Pan, her eyes yellow, black veins under her eyes popping, and fangs ready.

"You see Henry," Mercy began, "it is so much easier to have everyone hate you than to believe in you." She looked over at Pan.

"But you are a rare thing, where you do believe," Pan finished.

"Boys!" Mercy yelled, shooting fire from one hand and lighting from the other, "Let's play!"

The girl grabbed Henry and teleported him to the camp like planned and then shoved him on the ground. At first he tried to crawl away but she shot a line of fire where he was going to Henry yelped in shock and stayed put.

Mercy got bored from time to time and shot random things from her hands to annoy Henry that's when she realized something terrifying, she was becoming her father. She got bored so she patronized the child, just like her father.

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