E l e v e n

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The female 'hero's' woke up and struggled against the tree that held them tightly.

"It's not going to work Regina," Pan said, leaning in a tree with boredom.

"And why not?"

"Well for starters, we put magic cancelers on your wrist so you can't do magic. And because the tree holds you there based on guilt, regret, anger, and sadness." He smirked as he spoke.

"Well that's just great" Emma huffed.

"You can't do magic either. Mercy saw you practicing and snapped the wristlet on you herself."

"Just our luck. Where is David?" Snow asked.

"On the other side of the island. If true love is so powerful. Brake out of the tree and find your precious loved ones." Pan smirked again and disappeared to find Mercy taunting the boy 'hero's'

"Where's Emma, lassie?" Hook asked for what felt like the millionth time to Mercy.

"I already told you Hook. You need to listen. She is on the other side on the island along with Snow and Regina. Brake my magic vines-without weapons- and find them. If true love always finds it's significant other, then it should be no problem." Mercy huffed and punched Hook in the stomach.

"Mercy!" A voice called from behind her.

Mercy whipped around to see Hope, watching her.

"What could you possibly want from me! You have everything!" Mercy screamed at her.

"I don't have you! I don't have my sister!"

"You don't have me because you obviously can do fine on your own. Klaus didn't bother to tell you about me, you've lived without me for a long time. A little longer won't hurt."

"Mercy, please! I didn't know I even had a sister!"

"Exactly. No one knew. If they did they hated me because in their minds, other than three. Those people betrayed me because, you were the better child. You're everyone's favorite. I lived in your shadow all my life."

"I'm sorry Mercy!"

"Sorry fixes nothing! I'm more powerful than you. I'm more powerful than Klaus. I'm more powerful than Peter Pan! Have you wondered where your perfect little father went?" Mercy was so angry, she couldn't control giving what she did away. Hope shook her head and then went pale.

"What did you do with him?"

"He is stuck as a wolf, choking on his blood, tied to a tree with magical vines! I did it to him! He hurt Peter and acted like he cared about me when for years he neglected me and only focused on you. He had no care for me! Why did he act like he did!" Mercy was proud of her accomplishments and took a step closer to Hope with every sentence.

"He cared Mercy! He did! He thought you would be stronger on your own!" Hope yelled and stepped back from Mercy.

"You believe his lies?"



"Maybe, but he cares about us. I know he does, you might not but I do."

"Mercy. Hope. Stop this at once," a deeper voice said, stepping out of the shadows.

Mercy smiled, "Hello Peter."

"Hello Mercy," Pan smirked.

"G-go away!" Hope tried.

"You dare give orders to me?" Pan asked, pinning her to a tree and holding a sword against her throat.

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