Part 6-Fooling Pan (Or so she thought)

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A little while later Mercy dropped silently out of her cage and ran off into the woods. It wasn't a full moon but it was nighttime.

Mercy smirked. She could fool Peter by being a wolf without the full moon to give her away. She started to change into her wolf self without pain because it wasn't her first time and she was a tribrid.

She finished and ran through the woods, enjoying herself when she heard laughing and smelt burning wood. She walked over quietly and watched from the bushes, she watched as Pan got up to go check on her and laughed internally, knowing he would find her missing.

A while later Pan came back and rushed over to a dirty blonde, pulling him away and speaking to him.

"Felix, the girl is gone. She escaped. I even enchanted her cage!" Pan was furious as Mercy.

"What do you mean she escaped! She can't! You said so yourself!" The other boy argued.

"I'm aware of that Felix," pan spat, "find her. When you do bring her to me. It's time she learned to not run away and do as she was told!"

Mercy heard other wolves howling and knew that was the perfect place to hide if she wanted to stay hidden from Pan and his boy-band.

She howled in response and took off to where the wolf pack lay.
She reached the wolf pack and noticed she would blend in perfectly with them. She barked, asking to join the pack, the alpha stepped up and circled her, to see if there was any threat. There wasn't so he barked his agreement and howled. The rest in the pack-including Mercy- howled after him.

They laid down and went to sleep, Mercy only pretended to sleep and stayed awake thinking of other ways to fool Pan. While she was thinking she heard footsteps, as did the rest of the pack. They stood up and looked around.

Emerging from the woods in front of Mercy, was the same dirty blonde- Felix if she remembered correctly-from earlier. Mercy and the pack growled at him but he just smirked.

"I see you have a new member of the pack wolves. May I borrow her?" Felix asked, still smirking.

Even though she had only just joined the pack, they still protected her, it was pack code. Protect everyone, even if they are new.

Felix sighed and blew more dust on her new pack, but he missed her by a centimeter. She growled and jumped on top of him.

He yelped, not expecting Mercy to do so. She bit down on hit neck gently, to assert her dominance, before running away from him into the woods, right where the other boys were setting up a trap.

Mercy wasn't stupid. She knew something was up, so as soon as she saw Felix get up and walk away, she turned and sprinted to other direction from where Felix came.

Felix came back to Pan's camp holding his neck to keep pressure on it.

"Well? Where is she?" Pan asked him.

"Went right to the lost boys trap," Felix smirked.

"Did I Felix?" Mercy asked emerging from the shadows behind them.

Pan whipped around and smirked, "If you want to escape, you shouldn't run right back where you escaped from."

Mercy scoffed, "I'm not an idiot. I'm not staying long. I just came to say, leave me alone. Let me be free instead on locked in a cage. Let me be away from you and everyone else. Away from people I don't want to harm."

"Oh please. Like I'm letting that happen," Pan said, flicking his wrist and flinging Mercy to a tree, before tying her to it with his vines.

She glared at him then laughed, "Either you keep me here. Or you save your precious lost boy. You can't have both Pan. I bit him, I'm a werewolf. My bite is deadly."

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