T w e n t y

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"No" Mercy didn't realize it was she how spoke out.

"What do you mean no? Mercy this is not something you can control. It's happening wether we like it or not. The heroes have found each other and we need to enact the plan" Peter adjusted his arms to where they lay on top of Mercy's.

"I can't risk it. Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Hayley are going to help the others, especially Klaus and Elijah, they have...history with Hook" Mercy sighed and plopped down on a log, resting her head in her hands, "I can't loose you Peter."

"Who said we wouldn't help? You are family after all!" A voice boomed from the woods, Klaus came into view, flanked by the others.

"Would you stand against your friends for someone you so carelessly abandoned years ago?" Mercy stood in defiance.

"Their worth means little over family. We're blood and no one can change that" Elijah pointed out.

"I suppose you're right," Mercy turned to Peter, "We have the extra help. My girls aren't ready yet, other than three, possibly four."

"I can work with that. We still have an alpha wolf, three hybrids, four vampires, a powerful witch along with myself, a majority of my lost boys, and a few of your girls. I think we'll be fine, you have to relax Mercy" Peter smirked and raised a sword, "BOYS!" He looked to Mercy.

She smirked slightly, "LETS PLAY!" She ran off to gather a the few who were ready. Mighty was obviously coming along with Artemis and Alex. The possibility was Gloria, she was stubborn but strong. Would she listen to reason and do as she was told though?

"Mighty, Artemis, Alex, Gloria. Allow me to speak with you for a moment" Mercy called out and the girls walked over to her.

"Yes Mercy?" Alex asked.

"I need your help girls, the plan to save Pan is being carried out as we speak, and you all are the only girls ready for this. My question to you is, do you wish to help us or stay with the others?" Mercy asked quickly.

"Fight with you" Three out of four whispered together. They all turned to face Gloria.

"Would you listen and do what you're told to do?" Mercy aimed the question at Gloria

"I guess yeah. I'll fight with y'all" Gloria sighed and Mercy told them to grab weapons and meet her outside of the camp.

"We're all here let's head out!" Mercy led them to the boys camp where the others were waiting.

"Good you have the few girls that are ready. Let's do this." Peter smiles wildly and pulled Mercy to the side.

"What Peter?" Mercy asked, slightly annoyed.

He gently pulled the cuff off of her wrist, "I'm going to need you to do the duplicate thing again, for the boys, you're girls, and myself since I can't heal nearly as quickly."

Mercy sighed and snapped, the cuff disappeared and startled gasps rang out from the camp, the cuffs were in their wrists, keeping them from being harmed, "There. Anything else?"

"Be safe please!" Peter begged and walked away, she followed behind him quickly.

"The plan is set. Get into position!" Mercy hissed after Peter finished explaining, ushering them forwards.

Mercy got lost in a train of thought, what if her girls got hurt? What if her boys got hurt? Would the protection of the cuffs be enough to keep them safe? What if Peter, the one she was fighting so hard for, was to get hurt and possibly die? What if it was all for nothing?

"Are you scared for them?" Peter placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump out of her train.

She shook her head to clear the fog masking it, "Who?"

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