N i n e t e e n

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A/n: Before I begin I would like to thank you all for 200+ reads! This is amazing and further than I ever though this story would go! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, school is stressful and taking over my life! Anyway I have a schedule going now! Every Thursday (a.k.a today) I will update this story. I will update Y/n Milah Jones every Friday (hopefully on both) I'll try and update the new Kotlc one when I can but not too worried about it until I finish this one (which is finally coming to an end!) I'll try and do better I promise! Anyway enjoy part nineteen!

Peter Pan POV still

I led the boys to the center of the camp and clapped to get the boys attention. They turned to stare at me, "Boys. This is Kol and Marcel, Mercy's old family. I expect you to treat them at the same level of respect you held for Mercy. Thank you!"

"They all take demands from you?" Marcel asked.

I shrugged, "For the most part. They also respond to Mercy, but they will not respond to you. I said respect as Mercy. Not authority of Mercy, there is a fine line between them."

"I assumed as much. Where do we stay until we head back with Davina to the rest of the Mikaelsons?" Kol asked.

I led them to a medium sized tent, large enough for the both of them but no more than that, "Right in there." I walked away and back to Mercy's camp for a brief chat about her family and how much longer until they left. I didn't really have a care for Henry much longer.

Mercy walked out of her camp with a small smile, even though she knew I was there. I didn't take her as a smiling person, I guess her aunt brought out something others could never.

"Hey Peter" Mercy forced her smile away and her stone face returned-a pity really.

I smiled at her, "Hello Mercy. The boys are settled in, in their cabins right now"

"Wonderful. I assume they will be ready to leave once Davina is ready?" Mercy asked and I sighed.

"I suppose so, yes"

She forced a smile, "Okay then, I'll go let Davina know. I'll let Hope go with them, there's no point in making my girls or your boys fight for us for someone I have no interest or care for. She will leave with Davina, Marcel, and Kol."

"Okay. I'll go let the boys know" I vanished, hearing her sighs and her footsteps growing quieter.

3rd person POV

Mercy walked back into the camp and saw Davina helping Alex with training, she didn't think Davina knew how to do defense without magic.

"Keep your elbow up, but keep it protecting your ribs." Davina instructed, Alex nodded in return.

"Davina, may I speak with you a moment?" Mercy called and Davina walked over.

"Yes Mercy?" Davina asked, smiling at her niece.

"First off, never knew you knew how to fight with anything other than magic. And second, you can leave with Kol and Marcel as soon as all of you are ready. Hope may go with you, I have no use for her."

Davina smiled wider, "You mean no one will come to any harm? None of your sweet little girls will be harmed by your other aunt, uncle, and father?"

"Precisely. However, I must stay here. The girls need me, and so does Pan and the island. I can't leave without harming others."

"Oh. Will you visit us?"

"Only for a short while. I will also Astro-Project to see you. I will always find a way Davina"

She smiled even wider, "I know Mercy. I know."

After the lost girls, their leader, and Davina feasted, the boys were ready to leave the island, taking Hope with them. Mercy teleported herself to the cages.

"Favorite Child! Time to go!" Mercy cooed near the cage her twin was inside of.

"You're letting me go?" Hope asked

Mercy rolled her eyes, "You're leaving with Davina, Kol, and Marcel to go back for the others. I will stay here and you will tell the rest of them to leave me be, I'm right where I belong. With my lost girls. With my lost boys. With my Peter Pan. With my island. With my family."

Hope nodded slowly, "I wish our first meeting could have gone a little bit smoother, truce?"

Mercy scoffed, "I don't do truces. It's a may of weakness. Learn from that."

Mercy led Hope to Davina and then both of them to the boys camp where Kol and Marcel were waiting.

Kol and Marcel wrapped Mercy in a tight hug, allowing her just enough room to breath but not enough for anything else.

"Ready Davina?" Kol asked and sighed when he heard that Mercy couldn't come with them.

"Hope?" Marcel offered a hand and Hope took it.

"Good bye Mercy. Astro Project at least once a week and visit us when you can, even for just a short while. We love you more than anything in the world. Stay strong our non merciful Mercy." Davina kissed Mercy's forehead.

"My little Vampire be safe and stay strong" Kol whispered and kissed her cheek.

"My little Wolf, stay brave and stay fierce with no fear. You can do anything with the right motivation, remember that." Marcel kissed her hand and wrapped his arms around her again, followed by Davina and Kol. A group hug for their small family.

"I love you all so much. I will contact you as much as possible and will keep holding strong, brave, fierce, fearless, powerful, safe but not too much, and non merciful. I love you more than anything and can't and will never forget you. You are my family in the confusing tree, travel safely." Mercy whispered, almost shedding a tear but not quite. She was taught crying was weak in public but healthy, it was better to break down away from others.

Pan rushed over, a frantic look on his face.

"Peter? What's wrong?" Mercy demanded, pushing his shoulders to force him to look at her.

"The heroes are free and have found each other again. We have to enact the thing with Henry or I die, which means everyone here dies with me."
Heheh enjoy the cliffhanger so you have to wait an entire week until the next part! Anyway, how's you like it?? I know it was short but writers block sucks. Sorry I haven't updated this in a while but I've been busy.
Love you all!

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