S i x t e e n

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The two girls sat at a long table with Mercy at the head and Alex on her right.

"Thank you Mercy. I've never had a true family diner." Alex smiled and started to eat a deer that Mercy had killed that day.

"Don't mention it. I've missed having the company of girls on an Liam and full of boys." Mercy started to eat the deer too.


The two girls jumped up and Mercy grabbed her dagger and a sword.

She turned to Alex, "You know how to use any weapon?"

Alex nodded, "I can shoot bows pretty well."

"Great," Mercy made a bow appear in Alex's hand and a quiver of arrows on her back, "let's find out what that noise was, shall we?"

Alex nodded and they ran out of the hidden camp together. The first place they went was the boys camp, where everyone else was armed and confused as well, Mercy walked up to Pan.

"Peter. What happened? Was this your doing?" She questioned the boy.

"What, no!" He exclaimed.

"Then what was it?"

"My guess, your family or the heroes."

"Shit. I'm going to warn Alex, you warn the boys."

He nodded and Mercy ran over to Alex.

"Alex bad news. It's either my family," she shuddered, "or the 'heroes'" she put air quotes around heroes for good measure.

"Why are the heroes bad news?" Alex wondered.

"They are trying to take the thing that Pan needs so he can keep everyone on the island alive. Without him, the island is no more and because we've all been eating the fruits and stuff on the island, we all die too. You're the only one who would be safe. You haven't even been here and entire day, you'd be fine and be returned to where you were taken from, the rest of us will die as soon as we hit the real world."

Alex gasped at the news, "One life for hundreds is a good thing, a better thing! Why can't they see it?"

Mercy sighed, "Because it's their family, three of those people call him son."

"What? Why three?"

"Adoptive mother, bio mom, bio dad."


"He must do it willingly though, and he will still live, just without a heart."

A/n: Deal with it people. Henry lives, sue me.

"That's horrible but it's better than death. I'll help you the best I can, but we're going to need more girls."

"I agree. The heroes have to find their significant other to be able to do anything else, so it's probably my family. I can do something outrageous to get more girls here."

"Like what?"

Mercy took a deep breath, "I can do out to the real world for a few minutes and play a magical pan flute to get the attention of girls who feel lost and abandoned. It would work, it just will take a lot of energy to keep myself alive that long."

"I can do it for you, I can survive out there so I can help you."

Mercy smiled at Alex, "I'm not going to let you do that for me. You don't know where you need to go to get the most girls, I do. Don't worry, stay near Pan or the dude with the scar, Felix, they will protect you while I'm gone."

"Ok. Please don't leave me here forever, alone!"

"I would never. You are my family now. Neverland has been my home for a while now. I don't abandon the family who did nothing wrong." Mercy smiled and puffed away.

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