Idea part 2. Talking to tim. (Brim.)😭

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TW: Yelling, crying, worrying.

No one's POV.
Tim was sat at the kitchen table where Brian had put him. Brian was making breakfast for the two of them, since Tim was unable to from the pain he was in. Eventually, the food was done so Brian brought it in to his boyfriend, placing a plate in front of him. Brian sat down opposite Tim, who had already started eating, before Brian started eating his food. Brian scrolled through his phone whilst he ate, since the pair had nothing to talk about.

Suddenly, Brian heard his phone ping. It was a text from Jay. He opened and read the message, responding appropriately to it. Jay and Brian continued having a conversation for a while. Tim had noticed Brian was texting someone and became curious as to who it was.

Tim's POV.
Tim: *Notices that Brian is texting someone.* "Who are you texting?"

Brian: "Huh?... Oh it's just Jay... he's asking me something."

Tim: "Jay? You and him still talk?"

Brian: "Well not really. He just kinda texted me out of the blue!"

Tim: "Weird. What's he asking you anyway?"

Brian: "He's planning to do something. I'll tell you about it later. I haven't got all of the information yet."

Tim: *Mumbles slightly agitated.* "Ok. Fine. You'll tell me later."

Brian: *Hears Tim and gets upset.* "Please don't be like that."

Tim: *Confused.* "Like what?"

Brian: *Gets slightly aggravated.* "Like you're... fed up with me or somethin'..."

Tim: "I'm not it's just... we're together. We're supposed to tell each other everything!"

Brian: "I'm not hiding it from you. I'm just still missing some important information. I need all of it to explain it to you."

Tim: "Ok ok. I'll wait until you've got it all."

Brian: "Thank you Tim."

No one's POV.
Tim decided to stay quiet and finish eating breakfast, worried that he'd be bothering his boyfriend if he spoke, which he didn't want to do.

Brian continued texting Jay, trying to get as much information out of him so he could tell Tim exactly what was being planned. Once he had received as much as information as he needed, he began thinking about how to address the situation he had just been asked about, knowing it would stress Tim out when he told him.

Brian's POV.
Brian: "Hey Tim?"

Tim: "Yeah?"

Brian: "So you know how I was texting Jay earlier... and he was planning something....and I told you I was waiting for more information since he was planning something?"

Tim: "Yes?"

Brian: "Well... I think I'm ready to tell you now."

Tim: "You think your ready?"

Brian: "Yeah... I wasn't sure if I wanted to mention it to you but you need to know."

Tim: "I can handle it. Just tell me."

Brian: "You sure?"

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