Shopping. (Jaylex.)🥰

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TW: Anxiety, smut references, getting caught.

No one's POV.
It had been a few hours since Jay had announced they needed to go shopping for a new bed for him and Alex. They had planned to go later on in the day, around 3PM. The time was currently 2:20PM on a Friday and Jay was beginning to prepare himself to leave the house and go into the nearest shopping mall to find a new bed.

Jay hated crowded places like malls, he never managed to cope with being around too many people or if it was too loud in the area he was in, and in a mall it was both. Loads of people making a lot of noise.

Alex knew this was not going to be the most comfortable situation for his boyfriend to be in and had already planned on how he was going to confront his partner in these circumstances. He knew Jay wouldn't want to be shown affection in public as to not be outed, which Alex didn't want either, so he thought of other ways to comfort him as best he could.

When the time came, all four of them got everything they needed together, ready to leave the house. When everyone was finished, they got into the car. Alex carried Jay to the car since he was still in pain. They had once again chosen to go in Brian's car, Alex driving, Jay in the passenger seat, Brian behind Alex, Tim behind Jay. When everyone was strapped in, Alex started driving to the shopping mall.

The music was playing louder then usual. This was because Jay's anxiety was higher then usual from the suspense of knowing he was not going to like the shopping trip. Alex kept reassuring his partner as best he could while keeping his eyes on the road. This helped Jay a little but he was still panicking slightly.

After 10 minutes of driving they had made it to the mall. Alex parked the car in the parking lot before turning it off and getting ready to get out. Alex undid his seatbelt, taking it off straight after. Jay followed reluctantly, his reluctance being noticed by Alex. He began reassuring Jay once again, encouraging him to exit the car. Jay soon did and they began checking if Tim and Brian wanted to join. They pair said no and Alex locked them in, giving Jay a piggy back ride into the mall.

As the pair entered the shopping mall, Jay immediately became on edge. He held on to his partner tighter, practically restricting him. Jay wrapped his arms further around him for comfort. Alex didn't mind Jay doing this and lead him through the places with less crowds. Jay appreciated this a lot. It relaxed him slightly to see Alex understanding him so well and trying to keep him calm during a not so relaxing experience.

He continued on walking until they reached the store they needed. Luckily for Jay, the store was fairly empty. So the pair entered and quickly began looking around at all the beds, helping each other decide what one they wanted.

Alex's POV.
Alex and Jay: *Walking around store looking at beds.*

Jay: *Sees bed he likes.* "How about this one?"

Alex: "Mmm... No. Too decorative!"

Jay: "Or that one?"

Alex: "Jay, I don't think that one would be big enough."

Jay: "Well I can fit on it."

Alex: "Yes but you're like a foot shorter then me."

Jay: "It's not a foot. It's 3 1/2 inches!" *Folds arms. Salty.*

Alex: *Sarcastic.* "Right."

Jay: "Hey I'm not the one that broke the bed you had am I? No! So if it wasn't for you we wouldn't even be looking at beds."

Alex: "I was just doing as I was told. You were the one screaming "Harder Alex!" And "Oh baby faster please!"

Jay: *Shocked and blushes.* "We're in public Alex!"

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