Summer. (Jaylex+Brim.)🥰

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TW: Anxiety, sexual references, regulation.

No one's POV.
Summer had finally arrived for the Marble Hornets crew. Tim and Brian were almost finished with their work before being allowed a holiday, and Jay and Alex were just as pleased in their relationship as they had been before.

Tim had been planning some fun trips for the four of them to go on during the summer. He thought it would be nice for the couples to have some romantic and enjoyable activities to participate in while they were able to.

Soon enough, Brian and Tim were eventually able to go on holiday. They had this because of their mental health issues so they could have a break to think about themselves. This also was normally used to enjoy themselves so they didn't relapse.

Jay and Alex were happy that Tim and Brian were now able to be home for a while again. They had missed having them there all the time, still enjoying their alone time though. Just meant that they didn't have to worry about getting heard doing sexual acts.

Their sec had become quite kinky thanks to Jay.Alex never knew Jay was like this but he was far from complaining. Alex loved Jay even more now the pair were expressing themselves sexually. Alex had a few fetiches of his own he realised during their intimacy, and expressed further.

One day, Tim thought it was about time he revealed his plan for the summer. When all four of them were sat down for breakfast one morning, Tim announced that he had been secretly working on some things for them all to do during the summer break. All of them were thrilled and eager to find out more, and soon their questions were answered.

Tim explained how he was thinking of them going to a massive water park. The water part would have inside and outdoor sections, water slides, fountains, sunbathing areas, wave pools, and swimming pools of different depths.

All of them cheered! They loved the idea!Although, one of them seemed a little off. It was Jay. Nobody could work out if Jay was really excited or utterly terrified. Alex lightly grabbed Jay's hand, comforting him. Jay just leaned into Alex chest and closed his eyes. Alex cuddled him, seeing his not very touchy boyfriend needing his physical touch.

Jay normally only needed this if he was stressed. This signalled to Alex that something must be worrying his partner. Alex planned to keep and eye on Jay to make sure he was going to be ok and to see if he would reveal what was stressing him so much.

Nothing else important was said by any of them, just little bits of input here and there. Alex kept holding Jay in his arms and it had became obvious to Tim and Brian that Jay was struggling with something, but they trusted Alex to help him through it. So once they were all finished, theh all exited the table, and each of the couples took their partner to their room to talk about why was going to happen at the water park, Tim going to Brian's, and Jay going to Alex's.

Tim and Brian's conversation was fairly normal, a few dirty jokes said like "I don't think we will be doing much swimming once I've seen you shirtless." And "Maybe we should tell Jay and Alex that we are gonna take a few hours getting changed , so we can do stuff while alone and naked?" But Alex and Jay's conversation wasn't as humorous.

Alex's POV.
I don't know how Jay feels. I know something is bugging him but I can't tell if it's excitement or fear. I want to ask him, but he doesn't cope with admitting how something makes him feel sometimes because he doesn't always understand it himself. If I'm honest, I'm lucky he informs me how much he loves me! But still, I want my baby to be as comfortable as possible. So, I'm going to find a way to approach the situation without overwhelming or stressing out Jay.

Alex: *In his room with Jay.* "Jay?"

Jay: *Sat on chair.* "Hm?"

Alex: *Sat on bed.* "Are you ok with this? You don't have to answer it I just want to make sure."

Jay: "Yeah." *Looks away.* "I'm fine with it."

Alex: "Ok. But if that ever changes just tell me ok? I want you to be as happy as possible."

Jay: "Ok."

Alex: "Can I tell you what's happening so you know?"

Jay: "Umm, sure." *Worrying.*

Alex: "Ok so, Tim has said he is going to drive us meaning we will both be in the back. Then when we are there.."

Jay: *Interrupts.* "How many people are going to be there?" *Speaks frantically.*

Alex: *Pauses in shock.* "Uhhh, well, I'm not gonna know until we get there darling. But it will be ok. I'll be there. There is Tim and Brian as well. And the place is huge, so you probably won't notice too many people! Is that ok?"

Jay: "I suppose so. Just don't like too many people." *Looks down.*

Alex: "Hey. That's ok. I know sweetie, and I will stay with you at all times. Ok? I will keep you safe, don't you worry about that." *Grins.*

Jay: *Softly smiles back.* "Thanks baby. I'm sorry I'm a bit off today. I'm just not really in the mood."

Alex: "it's ok darling. You do whatever you need to feel better. Sorry you feel like that."

Jay: *Smiles.* "Thanks. Can we listen to music and chill for the rest of the day? We can keep talking about the plans later."

Alex: "Of course baby. I'll get your headphones." *Smiles.*

No one's POV.
Jay continued being on edge as Alex retrieved his music. Jay was worried about going to the water park. He still wanted to go of course, but was still so anxious about the whole thing. The reassuring thing was that he had Alex. His perfect partner and brilliant boyfriend Alex. Jay knew Alex wouldn't let anything happen to him and this comforted him always.

Alex soon returned, Jay's headphones in hand, a smile spread across his face. He gently handed his boyfriend the equipment and allowed him to plug it in himself. Jay swiftly equipped his headphones and played his favourite music.

Alex sat on his bed, leaving Jay to his own accord as he calmed. He stayed with him to make sure he was improving and had everything he needed, but from a distance. Jay appeared to be getting more calm very soon which made Alex glad. He hated seeing his baby stressed.

After some time, Jay had relaxed enough to go back to planning the water park trip with Alex. Alex's voice was calm, clear and gentle when he spoke, explaining the process. Jay listened and gathered as much information as he could, being successful in his efforts. Alex and Jay continued their day fantasising of all the fun scenarios they could get into, loving every single one of them.

The rest of the day was relaxing for everyone. No working. No arguments . Nothing. This was because all of them, Tim, Brian, Jay, and Alex, we're all too busy imagining what the water park would be like. More importantly, all the thing them and their partners would get up too. What fun things could they do? What.... Naughty things could they get up to? They'd only know once they were there.

Word count: 1246.

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