Date time. (Jaylex POV.)🥰

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Jay's POV.
As we pulled into the parking lot, I couldn't help but get a little excited about what was happening. I couldn't believe it was really happening! I loved that it was though! I couldn't believe that I was actually going on a date with THE Alex Kralie! As in the person I've had a crush on for years now! I couldn't even believe he loved me once let alone twice! It feels amazing! It always will!

Alex's POV.
I know I looked calm and collected whilst I was driving, but I really wasn't. I was finding it hard to compose myself and stay calm. In reality I was panicking like mad! A bunch of questions were racing through my mind! What if I do something wrong? What if I say the wrong thing? What if I give him the wrong message again? What if he wants to kiss me?

I couldn't help but think of all the possibilities of things going wrong and me ruining things for Jay! I couldn't bare the thought of upsetting him again! But what if I did? I don't want to make him think that us being together will just hurt him even more then if we weren't! I had to make sure I did everything right! I couldn't mess up!

Alex: "We're here!"

Tim and Brian: *Look up from their phones.* "Huh?"

Jay: "We're here. Come on. Get out of the car."

Brian: "Oh yeah right, the date!"

Jay: "Did you forget? How could you have forgotten?"

Brian: "Got a little..." *Looks at Tim who's getting out of the car.* "Distracted."

Jay: "Ok, I think I'm just gonna ignore what you just said and not question it any further!"

Brian: "Probably a good idea!"

*Everyone gets out of car.*

Tim: "So are we gonna stay together in here or split up?"

Brian: "I'd say split up, primarily so these two (Jay and Alex.) don't have to see me fail to keep my hand off of you every five seconds!"

Jay: "On that note, I think we should split up. Besides you and Tim have had alone time with each other and me and Alex haven't!"

Alex: "Yeah maybe we should split up so we can use this as a date and not just some fun with your friends!"

Brian: *Whispers something into Tim's ear.*

Tim: *Smirks.*

Jay: *Sees and ignores.* "Ok so is everything sorted? Do we all know what we're doing?"

Alex: "Yup."

Brian: "Of course."

Tim: "Yea."

Jay: "Good now we'll all meet back up at let's say... 8:30 so we can go out for dinner, ok?"

Brian: "Yep."

Tim: "I think 2 and a half hours is long enough!"

Alex: "Good, see you two later!"

Jay: "Yeah see you later!"

Brian and Tim: "Bye."

No one's POV.
The two couples split up, going off in different directions. Tim and Brian going left. Jay and Alex going right. Jay and Alex quickly lost sight of the other couple, but this didn't bother them at all. All they needed was each other!

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