What if I bottom? (Brim.)😏

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TW: Public smut, minor angst.

No one's POV.
A few hours had passed since Alex and Jay's announcement of what they needed to do that day. It was coming closer to the time the couples were set to leave to go shopping. It wasn't going to be a very eventful day but neither of the friends minded.

When it was time to go, everyone grabbed everything they needed before going out to the car. Brian had suggested they go in his car again, which everyone agreed to. Alex was driving, Jay was sat in the passenger seat, Brian was behind Alex, and Tim was behind Jay.

They began driving once everyone was strapped in and ready. The music was noticeably louder but no one minded too much since they knew it was for the purpose of keeping Jay calm. The car journey wasn't particularly long and they were at the shopping mall within 20 minutes.

Once they'd arrived, Alex got out, checking if Tim and Brian wanted to come with him and Jay, the pair declined and Alex helped Jay out of the car. Alex locked Tim and Brian in the car as he walked off, carrying Jay on his back. Since the other two had left, Tim and Brian began thinking of ways to keep themselves entertained, as they were now alone together and locked in.

Brian's POV.
Jay and Alex: *Walking into shopping mall.*

Brian: "So, what should we do?"

Tim: "I don't know. I'll probably just scroll through social media and stuff."

Brian: "Well we are alone together now.... And they're not coming back for a while so.... We could do something together...." *Hinting something.*

Tim: "I think I'm just gonna do something by myself for now if that's ok?"

Brian: *Slightly sarcastic.* "Oh yeah that's fine just do something by yourself then."

Tim: *Doesn't notice.* "I am doing something by myself."

Brian: *Ignores.*

Tim: *Continues.*

A few minutes later.

Brian: "I'm bored." *Looks at Tim.

Tim: "Well find something to do then instead of sitting there doing nothing." *Laughs slightly.*

Brian: "But there's only one thing I wanna do and you're not letting me do it!" *Slightly sad.*

Tim: *Looks at Brian.* "What aren't I letting you do? I never said you weren't allowed to do something? Plus, when's that ever stopped you from doing it anyway?"

Brian: "You said you wanted to do something by yourself ... and I wanted to do something fun together..."

Tim: "Well... What did you want to do?" *Puts phone down.*

Brian: *Unbuckles seatbelt. Smirks.* "I think you know what it is deep down!"

Tim: *Confused and slightly scared.* "N-no I don't. Th-that's why I a-asked!"

Brian: *Gets closer to Tim.* "I don't know..... Maybe something a little... pleasurable?"

Tim: "I-I still have recovered yet B-Brian... it'll hurt for me t-to b-bottom!"

Brian: "Who said you were bottoming?"

Tim: "Wh-what?"

Brian: "What if I bottomed?"

Tim: "H-huh?"

Brian: "I want to bottom!"

Tim: "B-but..."

Brian: *Interrupts.* "No buts. I want to feel you deep inside me! I want to hear our moans as we pleasure each other! Feel you slamming against my prostate, abusing it, pleasuring it! I want to feel that warm, sticky, white liquid of yours filling me up once the pressure gets to much! And I don't want you to stop until you physically can't do it anymore!.... What do you say baby? Shall we?"

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