Valentine's Day (Brim POV.)🥰

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Brian's POV.
I woke up next to my darling baby boy Timothy. He looked so cute when he was sleeping, it was near impossible to not squeeze him tightly, but that would risk waking him up which I didn't want to do.

Today weirdly felt.... Odd! Like something was different! Like something.... was special about it! Oh yeah, it's Valentine's Day! Of course! How could I forget?! Wait! If I forgot it was Valentine's Day.... Then, that means I forgot to buy Tim something?! Oh no! What should I do? Maybe I could go out quickly and buy him something? Yeah! That's perfect! I'll go do that! Just gotta hope Tim doesn't wake up before then....

I quickly showered and got dressed into some fresh clothes, making sure to be quiet as to not wake Tim. As I left the room I left a sticky note on Tim's bedside table which read "Just going out for a second. Will be back soon. Love you, Brian xx."

I knew I couldn't be too long since he'd need help getting around after yesterday night. I think it's safe to say he won't be walking around much for a while! I didn't see any signs of Jay and Alex as I walked out the house. I was going to ask them to keep an eye out for Tim waking up, but they obviously weren't awake yet.

I quietly left the house, making sure not to wake anyone up. I headed straight to my car, getting in, tuning it on and putting on my seat belt before driving away rapidly. I tried to do everything as quickly as I could! I really didn't want Tim to think I hadn't got him anything!

I drove to the nearest store that I knew had Valentine's Day merchandise and cards. I had seen some in there before so I knew they sold them, I just had to hope they had something left that Tim would like.

I still couldn't believe I forgot about Valentine's Day! I never forget things like these! Tim's normally the one who forgets to buy presents, sadly though I don't suppose he's ever had to buy a Valentine's Day present for anyone?

I got to the store and headed straight inside. I went over to the Valentine's Day products immediately after entering. I skimmed over the gifts, moving to the cards once I was done. I found a card that was practically perfect for Tim. It read, "Have a bear-y happy Valentine's Day!" And had a little bear with a heart shaped balloon underneath.

I had found the card, but I was still struggling to find the gift. I didn't want to go back with just a card, then he would think I got it last minute! Or even worse, he'd think he's too difficult to buy for!

Eventually, I found something! A fluffy, scarlet, plushy love heart, with white writing sown into it showing the word "Love" written on it. Along side the plushy, I also found a chocolate rose and thought Tim might like it. I know I already got him chocolate before when we first met up after becoming boyfriends, but I couldn't resist.

I brought them to the till, watched the cashier scan them hoping they didn't think badly of me for buying Valentine's Day gifts on Valentine's Day! I payed for them before grabbing the presents and leaving. I neatly wrote the card once I was in the car, sealing the envelope in the car once I was done. I put everything on the passenger seat and drove home, praying that Tim hadn't awoken yet!

When I'd gotten home, I grabbed the items off the seat next to me and exited the car. I locked the car before heading to the front door, unlocking it before walking in. I locked the front door and went into my room to put the presents somewhere. Before I did though, I collected and disposed of the sticky note in Tim's room. I then went to my own room putting the presents on my bed and sat next to them, relieved by what I'd just been able to do.

After a few minutes I heard a noise coming from the other room, Tim. I went over to his room, carefully cracking the door open enough to see what Tim was doing. He laid there rubbing his eyes, he had just woken up! He had a confused expression on his face as he noticed I wasn't there. I walked inside, trying not to startle Tim by my sudden appearance.

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