The only gift I need is you! (Brim.)🥰

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Tw: Panic attack.

Tim's POV.
Oh my god. So I told Brian I like him and...likes kinda me back. So not only is he my best friend now, he's also agreed to be my boyfriend. To make things even better, he's coming over to my house to see me, despite it being nearly midnight. Plus, he said he's going to kiss me, which I'm so happy about. He also said he might give me more then just kisses, so if I'm lucky, I might get to do something I've wanted to do with him for years now, unless he was actually joking. I kinda hope he wasn't. But today has been like a dream come true for me. I just hope he comes over here soon, I really want to see that beautiful face with that cute smile on it. I better get ready so I look and smell good for him. Hopefully he'll like the effort and won't think it's too much.

Brian's POV.
Today has been like any other day for me. Waking up, getting ready, going to work, not being able to sleep from me thinking about Tim, Tim confessing his love for me.... Wait... what?! OH... MY.... GOD!!! I'm kinda freaking out right now... So, the person I've loved for what feels like forever.... loves me too!!! Plus, I said I'd go round to his house at literally minutes to midnight, and kiss him... and he agreed.

What if he wants me to stay the night?... Or actually does think I'm being serious about giving him more than kisses?... Or what if I mess up or say the wrong thing?.... I acted so calm over text but what do I do when we're in person? I don't know let's just make sure I look presentable for him and head over to his house, then we will just have to go from there. I hope everything goes smoothly and he doesn't get disappointed.

No one's POV.
Brian decided to have a shower and put on some of his cologne before going to Tim's house. He also dressed himself in some more presentable clothes, which consisted of light blue, denim jeans and a red shirt, alongside his yellow hoodie and black coat. After, he grabbed his keys, unlocked the door, got in his car, and drove off, heading to Tim's house.

It was pitch black outside. The only light there was were from the bright street lights, illuminating the dark, desolate roads, with the help of the cars headlights. Brian thought he should put some music on to possibly make the journey go faster so it wouldn't seem like it was taking so long to get to where he desperately wanted to be, so he connected his phone to the car and started playing some of his favourite songs, in order to fill the silence as he continued driving to his destination.

On the way there, he stopped at a gas station to refill his car. When he was in there paying, he thought that maybe he should buy Tim something special, so he started looking around until he found something. It was around the time of Valentine's Day, so it wasn't difficult to find something to get his boyfriend.

Eventually, he laid his eyes on a red, heart shaped box, that was full of different types of chocolate and a beautiful bunch of crimson red roses, instantly deciding to buy them both. So with that, he picked up the box and flowers, bringing them over to the counter, and payed for them as well.

Brian then took the gifts he'd bought out of the gas station, carried them back to his car, placing them on the passenger seat next to him. Once he was in the car, he proceeded to put the keys in the ignition and continued driving on the empty road like normal, until he got a text from Tim. He slowed down his speed a little and picked up his phone, he proceeded to read the message, starting to plan his response to it.

Tim's POV.
Tim: "How long are you going to be? I'm waiting for you!😠"

Brian: "Nearly there babe."

Tim: "Ok just be quick please.🥺"

Brian: "I'm being as quick as I can."

Tim: "Ok. Wait did you just call me "babe"?"

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