Aren't you forgetting something? (Brim.)😏

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TW: Punishment, rough smut, pain, bleeding, sp@nking.

Brian's POV.
Me and my boyfriend Tim were heading upstairs together after coming in from our date. As we went up, I remembered what Tim had continuously promised me throughout the day. Since he didn't want to do it earlier, I was going to make sure he stuck to his word of allowing me to have it. After all.... It was his punishment!

Tim and Brian: *Walk into Tim's bedroom.*

Tim: "God I'm so tired! I think I'm just gonna get dressed and go straight to bed! Is that ok Bri?"

Brian: "Huh? Oh yeah of course that's fine." *Lying.*

Tim: "Ok great I'll go get changed!" *Starts heading to bathroom.*

Brian: "Wait! Where are you going? You said you were going to get changed?"

Tim: "Yeah? In the bathroom?! Where were you thinking I was going to do it?"

Brian: "Well... there's nothing on you I haven't seen already so... I was kinda thinking just do it here!"

Tim: "Oh uhh... I guess I could if you really wanted!?"

Brian: "Well yeah I do... that's why I asked!"

Tim: "Ok then... just don't stare at me whilst I'm doing it and... try not to get... needy!"

Brian: "Can't make any promises but I'll try!" *Smirks.*

Tim: *Sighs.* "Fine, fine, whatever!" **Starts getting undressed.*

I knew Tim was thinking that I was planning something! I could read him like a book. I've always been able to! He was being very vigilant because of this uneasiness he was feeling. I would have to wait until he dropped his guard before making a move on him!

It wasn't long before I was able to go forward with my plan, actually it was almost instant! He turned his back before taking his shirt off. It was hard to resist grabbing him and throwing him on the bed, but he was done before I could. He took his jeans off next, revealing his clothed a$$ right in front of my eyes.

He was about to take his underwear off. Before he could though, I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He froze. Not knowing what to do, he just stood there frozen from the suspense of what I was going to do.

Tim's POV.
I had found Brian's request of me getting changed in front of him slightly sketchy. Like... Why would he want me to do that all of a sudden? Despite this, I still did as he asked. I cautiously began taking off my clothes one by one, starting with my jacket. I could sense Brian's smirk strongly, despite being turned away from him.

Soon after, I had relaxed slightly and I think Brian noticed! Almost immediately, I hear fast footsteps approaching me from behind, as I begin to take my Boxers off. I freeze. I feel two arms wrap around my waist, I knew they were Brian's by how they felt!

He started kissing my neck, chuckling at my nervousness. I tried to relax but couldn't, the suspense of what was going to happen was killing me. I couldn't shake the feeling that he had something "fun" planned... and then.... I remembered...!

Brian's POV.
Brian: *Kissing Tim's neck. Chuckles from Tim's reaction to him grabbing his waist.*

Tim: "Wh-what are y-you d-doing Bri?"

Brian: "Oh you'll find out soon enough! Just you wait!"

Tim: *Thinks of all the possibilities. Remembers.* "W-wait you're not a-actually thinking of doing that a-are you?"

Brian: "Doing what? Showing my love and appreciation for you?"

Tim: "No. H-having s-sex!?"

Brian: "Oh no. Not that. I just want to remind you how much I adore you!"

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