Dinner. (Brim+Jaylex.)🥰

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TW: Panic attack, social anxiety, dirty talk.

No one's POV.
The two couples made their way over to the restaurant. Tim and Brian were in front of Jay and Alex, who were following close behind. Brian had his arm around Tim's waist. Jay was cuddling into Alex as they walked, Alex holding him close as a result. It didn't take them long to reach their destination, and they were quickly seated once they got in there.

Brian's POV.
All: *Walks into restaurant.*

Waitress: "How Sir can I help you?" *Smiles.*

Brian: "Hi. We made a reservation for a table for 4!"

Waitress: "What name was it under?"

Brian: "Brian Thomas. And that's B-r-i-a-n by the way!"

Waitress: "Yep. I see it. Follow me."

All: *Follows.*

Waitress: *Takes them to their table.* "Here you go. Take a seat and I'll get some menus for you!"

Brian: "Thank you Ma'am!"

All: *Sits down on table. Jay and Alex nearest the wall. Tim and Brian next to them. Jay and Tim on the same side. Alex and Brian on the other side.*

Waitress: *Comes back with menus.* "Annnd here are your menus! I'll come back soon to take your order! Ok?"

Brian: "Thank you Ma'am."

Waitress: "You're welcome Sir." *Walks off.*

Jay: "This is a nice place. Glad you picked it!"

Alex: "Yeah. Really nice. Thank you."

Brian: "Your welcome. I thought so too. Hence why I chose it!"

Tim: "Well we're glad you did baby." *Smiles.*

Brian: *Smiles back at Tim.*

Alex: "Anyway, we should see what we're all gonna order."

Jay: "Yes. Food!"

Brian: "Absolutely! Otherwise I'll be smiling at Tim all day!"

Tim: "Agreed. We should!"

No one's POV.
They all took one menu each, taking their time thinking of what they wanted to order. Jay was incredibly socially anxious about being in public, but knew that as long as Alex was with him he was fine. Alex had also noticed Jay's nervous demeanour and was about to ask him if he was ok, or if he wanted to go outside for a second, as he didn't want Jay being uncomfortable or scared.

Alex's POV.
Alex: *Sees Jay is anxious.* "Hey Jay, are you ok? You really don't look it!"

Jay: "H-huh? O-oh I-I'm fine, just a little anxious about being in a s-social environment! Th-that's all."

Alex: "Ok. Did you wanna go outside for a bit until you calm down? I'll come with you if you would like!"

Jay: "Y-yes please. M-maybe just for a second!"

Alex: "Ok. That's fine." *Looks over at Tim and Brian.* "Hey guys. Do you mind moving in a little so me and Jay can go outside for a second?"

Brian: *Already moving chair in.* "Yeah of course. Is everything ok?"

Tim: *Moves chair in as well.*

Alex: "Yeah. Jay's just a little anxious about being in a public place."

Brian: "Ahh I see. Of course you can leave for a second."

Jay: *Walks past Brian.* "Thank you."

Brian: "No problem. Take as long as you need!"

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