Could we...try something? (Jaylex.)🥰

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TW: Mentions of a firearm.

No one's POV.
Alex was driving everyone back to Tim's house. Jay was sat next to him in the passenger seat, listening to the music on the radio as he always did. Tim was sleeping on Brian's shoulder, Brian playing with his hair and holding him close. The car journey didn't take to long, so they were home pretty quickly.

Once they were back at the house, they all began getting out of the car. Since Tim was still asleep, Brian had to carefully wake him as to not startle him as he awoke. Tim was understanding of why he was awoken, and quickly got himself out of the car as Brian had.

The group made their way towards the front door, letting the torpid Tim unlock the door. They all walked in briskly. Brian helped Tim walk by holding onto him tightly, walking straight upstairs after locking the door behind them.

Jay and Alex weren't quite ready to go to bed yet, so they sat next to each other on the couch to watch some TV. Alex grabbed the remote and scrolled through the channels trying to find something they both wanted to watch. The pair had sat rather close together, to the point where there was little to no room in between them.

Eventually Alex found a movie to watch. Jay snuggled up to Alex as the couple watched it from start to finish, loving each other's company. The TV blocked out any other noise around them, so there was no interference with the audio. The two found spending time with each other very nice and comforting. The way they made each other feel was unbelievable to them. How could one person make them feel so happy?

A short while into the movie, Jay got sleepy and decided to rest his head on Alex shoulder. Alex saw this, smiling when he did. He kissed Jay's head before going back to watching the film. The kiss on the forehead head made Jay blush bright red, which Alex also noticed making him blush too.

They were almost at the end of the film by now. Jay had fallen asleep on Alex's shoulder. Alex spotted the sleeping Jay, began stroking his hair as he watched the movie. Alex couldn't help but smile at Jay, he found him so cute and cuddly while he was sleeping. He found him so cute in fact, it was hard for him not to squeeze him tightly in his arms. All Alex wanted to do was hold Jay and kiss his neck to show how much he loved him!

Alex actually wanted to do more then this, a lot more, but he understood Jay's boundaries and knew he wouldn't want that yet, hence why he held back so much. Alex just adored Jay and struggled constantly to keep his hand off him. He knew that Jay doesn't like people getting too touchy feely or intimate with him, and didn't want to make him uncomfortable by getting handsy or invading his personal space without his full consent.

Having Jay still love him let alone feel safe enough to sleep on Alex's shoulder felt like a dream to him. He couldn't believe that someone as anxious as Jay would feel relaxed and not on edge around the person who could have killed him!

As the film finished, Alex noticed Jay was still asleep. Not wanting to wake him, he thought of something he could do instead. He thought about carrying Jay to his bedroom and lying him in bed before going into his room, but he didn't want to just leave him, he found Jay too adorable to do that. He also thought "What if he brought Jay into his bed with him?" But realised that would definitely make the fragile, sensitive soul uncomfortable! "What could he do?" He thought before hearing soft murmuring coming from Jay.

Jay's POV.
Jay: *Slowly waking up seeing that the film had ended and sees Alex looking lovingly at him.* "Mmm.... Has it ended? How much did I miss!" *Rubs eyes.*

Alex: "Hey Jay. The film ended a few minutes ago! You missed like half of it!"

Jay: "Why didn't you wake me?"

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