part 4: secrets we share

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<included idea from @JaneMat9 enjoy!!!>

no ones pov:
kaiyana and her siblings woke up early to go hang out with the others. while sitting on a rock, lo'ak shares his experience with a tulkun, whom they find out was an outcast that killed na'vi and other tulkuns, of course lo'ak didn't believe it, he knew he was harmless, and so did kaiyana. lo'ak and kaiyanas relationship is like no other, they almost share the same thoughts and emotions, they are connected by birth and bond.

"this is the cove of the ancestors, our most sacred place" tsireya and rotxo are showing the sullys the blessings of Eywa on the ilu. their mouths opened wide with complete fascination and enchantment. they ride towards the spirit tree as the sky grows dark due to the eclipse. they reach the under water spirit tree.

they all dive towards the glowing tree, tsireya and rotxo tells the others to make the bond with the tree.

kaiyanas pov:
while making the bond to the tree, i feel an intense wave of power and energy flow through my body. i open my eyes to see lo'ak trying to catch fish in a small pond near our village with his bare hands. i laugh at his failed attempts. we seemed young, no older than 12. "lo'ak, you are making a fool of yourself, just ask neteyam to catch some for you" i say. lo'ak had seemed uspet after hearing the name 'neteyam' "neteyam this neteyam that, i bet you want him to be your twin and not me right?" lo'ak said in a distressed tone, "what are you talking about lo'ak, i never said that" i walk closer to him, his head down in disbelief.

"lo'ak.. you are my twin, not neteyam, you, i wouldn't trade that for anything else" i say with my hand over my heart. before we both could say anything else, i get pulled out of the vision seeing kiri shake vigorously.

i grab tuk to hold her close while neteyam and rotxo pull her to the surface and then to the ilu. "what is wrong what is it!"tuk yells, "it is a seisure" neteyam replies breathing heavily. neteyam tries helping kiri breathe. kiri gasps for air but is still shaking, "take her to the village".

~a few hours later~

kiri had woken up and rested, thanks to ronal. my family and i were in our hut when we heard a loud noise coming from outside, we rushed to see what was going on when i hear tsireyas voice "the tulkuns have returned everybody, our brothers and sisters have returned" my family go and find their ilu and skimwings.

while running to find mine i hear tsireyas voice again "come meet my sister, kaiyana" she invites me to ride with her, which i then go on her ilu. i had felt weird again having my body against hers, her skin was warm and soft.

she introduces me to her tulkun sister. i let them be to go look for my brother lo'ak. i feel his unease seeing all these happy tulkuns without his own tulkun brother. i come to the surface and see him ride away from every one, i knew he went to find him so i went back to tsireya. i see them dance together, she looked so peaceful. seeing her like that made me realize how genuinely beautiful she was, and how i was so attracted to her, i loved everything about her, the way her hair was braided, the way her body feels on mine, the way her eyes shined at the water, the way she says my name. i love it all.

when the tulkuns left i knew this was my chance, i needed to talk to tsireya, i needed to find out what was happening between us. "tsireya" i call out to her "yes kaiyana", she had done it again,  she had said my name in that seductive tone again. "meet me behind the village at sunset" "okay".

after a bit, lo'ak returned asking to follow him. he seamed eager. we followed him until we saw payakan, then we saw lo'ak go into payakans mouth. what was he doing? me and neteyam were about to swim after him until tsireya held me back. we were waiting for him to come out until i suddenly felt this sadness and anger, i closed my eyes feeling so much fear throughout my whole body. i knew it was because lo'ak was feeling it. neteyam shook my arm concerned for my health, thinking something was happening to me since i was jittering. but then i suddenly opened my eyes and saw lo'ak leave payakans mouth. i had told neteyam at the surface that i was just feeling a similar way to what lo'ak feels, he didn't understand since he wasn't a twin.

<since this is a tsireya x femreader ff, i wont have the whole lo'ak and tsireya moment 😅>

the sky had a myriad of warm colors so i snuck out of the hut on my way to see tsireya, until lo'ak grabs my wrist, "where are you going yana?" he asks "uh.. i have another lesson with tsireya" i reply with uncertainty. i wish i was a good liar sometimes but i just cant hide anything, especially from my twin.

"i know you're lying kaiyana" i sigh with defeat "im just going to see tsireya thats all".

"dont think i dont see right through you, i know you feel something toward her, i saw the glances you had with each other when we first arrived" he said with a stern look on his face, like he was trying to protect me, he's just like dad.

"what do you want from me lo'ak?" i say with the same look. "just be careful, shes a girl, and you're a girl, a lot of people won't approve"

"i know that lo'ak, don't worry, i got this" i tried cheering him up with a smile but he just looked away and went back to the hut.

no ones pov:
kaiyana sees tsireya in the distance, she walks faster eager to talk with her. "hey kaiyana" tsireya says with a smile, "hey tsireya" kaiyana returns with a bigger smile and a little out of breath since she walked quite fast on the sand. "what did you want to talk to me about?" "i want to give you something"

kaiyana was wearing a small pouch around her waist which she reached in, to grab a bracelet. it was a pearl bracelet, the same kind tsireya had taught kaiyana to dive with. tsireyas face lit up with a happiness, she had a big smile and sparkles in her eye from the moonlight. <idk if its moonlight since they are literally on a moon but you get the idea>

"i made this barcelet for you" kaiyana said nervously with a hand behind her neck, tsireya put on the bracelet and looked up at kaiyana (kaiyana is a little taller than tsireya, but not by a lot).

"thank you kaiyana" tsireya had said with soft eyes and soft voice, before kaiyana could say anything back, tsireya leant in towards kaiyana and kissed her. it was the most passionate yet gentle, intense yet tender kiss. kaiyana couldn't help but put her hands around her waist, pulling her closer, feeling the warm and soft skin she loves so much, kissing her more deeply.

they broke the kiss breathing heavily, tsireya giggles looking at kaiyanas flustered face. her face was blushed red, her lips wanting more, and eyes looking lustful and blissed. kaiyana pulled her close for another kiss but tsireya put her fingers over kaiyanas mouth "another time kaiyana" tsireya says with a smile, kaiyana looks at her with a disappointed face ,"its getting late, we should head back before anyone starts worrying". as tsireya tries to leave, kaiyana pulls her waist once more towards her own "so no kiss?" kaiyana asks in a seductive way, smirking like a flirt. tsireya cups her face and kissed her softly. their hearts were racing like crazy.

tsireya pulls away and walks back to her hut with a hand covering her red face and growing smile. kaiyana couldn't believe what had just happened, she was in heaven, smiling and swinging her arms around.

kaiyana arrives back at her hut quietly trying not to wake her siblings and her parents, the only one awake was lo'ak.

lo'ak saw her face and instantly knew what happened, he didn't say anything but smile, although he knew the dangers of their relationship, he cant help but feel happy for her. they were twins after all.

kaiyana and tsireya went to sleep peacefully that night.

<ugh such a cute chapter, so jealous. hope you all enjoyed!!> 😊😊if there's any more suggestions please share!!

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