part 18: the present 1

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kaiyanas pov:
no words could describe how happy i was that neteyam was back.
it has been 4 days since neteyam returned, we have treated him like an king.
that lucky skxawng.

me and tsireya have been amazing too, but tonight, i want to treat her. since i've spent a lot of time with my family, i think i should do something nice for her, to show my appreciation. i'm not quite sure what to get her.. yet. i'll ask lo'ak later. or maybe mom since she's a girl. or maybe even dad since he's given mom many gifts. i don't know.

i first started the day making jokes with my siblings. kiri had a nasty fight with aonung the day before, so we were just laughing about that.
she rolled her eyes many times.

later on i went to go talk to lo'ak. he was talking with some village girls trying to impress them, i could see he wasn't having much luck though. he should definitely learn from me, considering i mated with a girl.

i see the girls walk away from him laughing. he must've embarrassed himself by doing his weird faces he thinks are attractive. skxawng.
"hey lo'ak, what's up?"
he turns to me surprised, he was probably hoping i didn't see his epic fail, but i did.

"oh uh nothing.. why?"
"oh well i'm here for advice" i sit next to him on the sand.
"advice? about what?"
i never ask him advice on anything, i usually go to neteyam or mom but this time i wanted to see what lo'ak would say.

"well i was thinking of giving tsireya a present, and i wanted to know what you would think would be a good one... but after seeing those girls reject you.. i'm not so sure"
i tap his back trying to cheer him up.
he looks at me with another surprised expression.
"oh you saw that..."
"yeah i did.. don't worry little twin, i'll help you if you help me"
"ok deal"
we shook hands like dad taught us when we were little.

"so lo'ak, the first thing you gotta learn about girls if you want them to like you, is to act natural, you want to look at them naturally and talk to them naturally, don't force it, you know what i mean?"
"ohhh i see" he stilled looked completely confused. he was hopeless.

"you know what lo'ak, just be you, i'm sure some girl will like that"
i didn't want to make his life harder than it already is so i just said the most simplest advice, it's not like it's untrue or anything.

"anyway, enough about you, what should i get for tsireya?" i asked while smiling. hoping for a good answer.
"uhhh a necklace?" i look at him with a dull face.
"are you kidding lo'ak?" i slap the back of his head.
"she already has a bazillion of those, come on, something better"
he rubs the back of his head where i slapped him. i can see he was trying to think but couldn't.
"it's fine lo'ak, i'll ask mom" i say standing up.
"no wait yana, you helped me, so i'll help you"
"lo'ak it's okay, i know you're not good with stuff, don't stress" i reassure him.
"good luck getting those girls"
i walk away giving him a thumbs up.

i walked back to hut trying to find mom, to my luck she was there cutting some food.
"hey mom"
she turns to look at me.
"come yana, i made a new dish"
she waves for me to sit infront of her.
she tried feeding me the food, to which i say
"mom i can feed myself"
i lean back.
"no kaiyana, you eat my food"
she was a little intimidating so i just let her feed me.
while i chew on the yummy fish i ask her the question.

"mom, i want to give tsireya a gift but i don't know what to give her. what was your favorite gift from dad?"
i swallow the food.
she looks me in the eye.
"my favorite gift i ever got from your father was you and your siblings"
i roll my eyes, since i OBVIOUSLY can't get tsireya that.

"mom you know i can't give that to tsireya"
"oh right" she smiled realizing her mistake. but i knew deep down she was still a little upset from my mating since now i can't have any children.
"well then maybe something to wear, a necklace perhaps?" she lifts her shoulders.
i couldn't believe her
"that's exactly what lo'ak said."
i roll my eyes again.
"why can you not get her that?" she asked.
"because she already has a bunch!"
i got upset since no one was helping me so i stand up and leave. luckily mom didn't say anything to me while walking out.

my last hope was dad. he must know a good gift to get a girl.
i see dad in the distance using a net to catch fish. i walk up to him.
"hey kaiyana, what are you up to?"
he asked turning his head down to face me.
"i need your help. lo'ak and mom were no use"
he looked surprised for some reason.

"what do you need help with?"
"dad, what is a good present to give to a girl?"
he looked away into the distance exhaling.
he suddenly looked awkward. he probably would've expected neteyam or lo'ak to ask this question and not me. i internally laughed at his reaction to my words.

"ah, i'm assuming for tsireya?"
he looked back down to me.
"well yeah obviously, who else?"
"oh i see your point.. sorry"
"well why do you wanna give her a present?"
he continued. i was actually starting to think he could be of help, since lo'ak and mom didn't ask me any questions.

"just to show my appreciation" i reply.
"to be honest, i know this is going to sound weird-"
i tried to mentally prepare, since he could literally say anything.
"-but in my experience, it's best if you just ask her"

ask her? was he serious? did he hit his head? is he getting too old? what does he mean 'ask her'?

"ask her?" i raise an eyebrow.
"if you don't know what to get her, then just ask her what she wants and do that. show that you appreciate her by doing something for her."

the more i thought about it, the more it made sense.
he actually did help me.
"thanks dad!" i say before walking away.
"no problem" he went back to catching the fish.

now that i know the perfect present, i was eager to see tsireya.
to be continued~

<little bit of a filler chapter but still cute. i enjoyed writing this one 🤭>

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