part 12: support

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<this chapter is going to have a little angst, warning you now 😜🥲>

kaiyanas pov:
i don't know what to feel anymore..
a lot of things have changed..

i'm still extremely overwhelmed.
more people know now, it started off with just lo'ak, then aonung and mother, and now the rest of our families.
today i'm going to try to speak to tuk and kiri, listening to their thoughts on my.. mating.
i didn't expect to be mated so young. i just wanted to be with tsireya. not saying that i didn't want to spend the rest of my life with her, but i just wish we took it slow and on our own.

whatever eywas plan is, i hope it works out..

after the discussion with ronal, me and tsireya had gone our separate ways too cool off, i think we both needed some alone time to process.

~a little later~
on my way to kiri, i wonder why she repeated eywas name before. did she know something about eywa that we didn't?

i also wondered what i even wanted her to say. what did i expect from kiri? her blessing? hahahaha definitely not.

i see her sitting alone on the edge of the village floor.
<floor??? idek😭what is that mat thing called??>

"hey kiri"
she looks to see who i was.
"hey yana.."
her voice seemed troubled.
i sit beside her.
"i just wanted to ask about.. the uh.. thing earlier today" i felt awkward talking to her about this.

growing up i was more closer to lo'ak and neteyam, maybe because we are blood related, but i dont necessarily think that was the reason. kiri and i just seemed different, like we were on different levels of some sort. we couldn't.. connect.

"it doesn't bother me.. what does bothers me though, is why eywa bonded you two"
"what do you mean?"

kiri turned to face me, "why out of all people, eywa chose you and tsireya, it's intriguing.."

"i don't know kiri, one second we were in an air pocket near the spirit tree, just holding each other, not doing anything else, and then all of a sudden i feel this bond between us."

kiris expression changed into this fascinated look.

"what were you feeling before you bonded?"

her question surprised me considering she doesn't usually ask me personal questions like this.
"uhh.. well.. it was after i told tsireya how i truly felt about her, how i respected her, how i felt comfort being with her, and... stuff like that" i laugh nervously near the end of my sentence. i felt so awkward saying those words.

i look at her face expecting a 'you must really love her' look, but instead i got an 'interesting..' look.
i felt a little unseen. but i didn't want to jump to conclusions so i ask her
"sooo what do you think about that?"

"hmm well it's definitely open to interpretation, but i think i might understand now,-"
i felt happier thinking she understood what i was saying.. but she didn't..
"-it seems eywa had felt this bond that was already there between you and tsireya, since it was so strong and loving, eywa decided to make it real."

i look down in disappointment.
"ahh i see.." i quietly say.
"well thank you kiri for sharing your thoughts, i'm glad we had this talk"

i stand up and walk away.

i don't know why but i shed a tear walking back to the hut. after my conversation with kiri i felt weird.
to be honest, i think i just felt alone and wanted someone to realize how much i truly love tsireya. it felt like to everyone, my relationship was forced, and in a way it kind of was. but my feelings for her stayed the same.

i look up seeing the sky turn darker, i arrive at the hut seeing no one but tuk, she was sleeping, taking her usual nap. i remember taking naps with lo'ak when we were babies, she reminded me of my younger self.

i try to lie next to her quietly, but i failed.

no one's pov:
"oh hey yana" tuk says enthusiastically sitting up.

"sorry i woke you up" kaiyana apologies.
"it's okay... oh yeah!" tuk stands up remembering something.

kaiyana automatically stands up too.

tuk puts on a witty smile "i already knew!!"

"knew what?" kaiyana asks.

"about you and tsireya!" tuk says teasingly while jumping up and down.

kaiyana knew tuk was just saying that to sound smart, it was a good effort but she couldn't fool her big sister.
"oh really now?" kaiyana replies in the same manner.
she puts her hand on tuks head messing her hair up.
"kaiyanaaa!! stop itttt" tuk whines, trying very hard to move kaiyanas hand from her head, while also being annoyed at her older sister for teasing her back.

kaiyana just laughs at her little sister.
they spent the rest of the night saying silly jokes and laughing with their siblings.
kaiyana was happy.

<wow! what a chapter! i worked quite hard on this part because i really wanted to capture kaiyanas feelings towards tuk and kiri. it was lowkey a little depressing at the beginning so i tried cheering it up with the cute tuk scene. i hope i wrote it well.
i think only one more chapter of the story being off the real avatar script, but after that i'll stay on track and do the fight scenes 😜😜😜 i definitely want to add more lo'ak moments 🤭 but let me know your thoughts, i love reading them!!! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR XX 🤍>

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