part 20: epilogue

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<this will be the final chapter of 'my pearl'

no one's pov:
kaiyana and tsireya have been in a serious relationship for a while now (year and a half).
there have been no attacks by sky people, so jake thought it would be a good idea to go back to the forest, only for a few weeks though, since they don't want to attract any threats or dangers.

everyone was excited, especially neytiri.
jake even invited tsireya to come too, since she is apart of the family now.

"your home?" tsireya curiously asked kaiyana while eating their food.
"yes, back to the forest, back to my people" kaiyana answered.
"my reya, where ever you are is my home, but the forest is my childhood, where i grew up, where my friends are. and i want to share that with you"
kaiyana held tsireyas hand.
"i am happy when you are happy yana" tsireya innocently smiled.

the ride there was long. tsireya found it a little unfamiliar to fly in the air, so she held onto kaiyanas torso quite tight the whole trip.

they arrived at their village, everyone welcoming them back excitedly. a few stares and looks on tsireya, but kaiyana made sure no one would say or do anything.
they greeted the clan leader and made their way back to their old hut.

"yayyyy im homeee!!" tuk yelled jumping on her old bed. the family were a little surprised that the village didn't move or use the tent in some way.
"come on reya, i'll introduce you to my friends!" kaiyana said with a happy voice holding tsireyas hand through the village.

"kaiyana?!?!" all her friends yelled out recognizing their best friend, and ran to give her the biggest hug. "you're back?!?!"
"not for long though but dont worry, we will have enough time to catch up" kaiyana smiled showing all her teeth.

her four friends saw tsireya who nervously stood behind kaiyana. 'they were confused' was an understatement, they had never seen any other na'vi except the forest ones.
kaiyana realized the situation and pulled tsireya infront, putting her arm around tsireyas waist.

"this is tsireya.. the daughter of the metkayina clans Olo'eyktan-"
her friends looked at tsireya with fascination.
"-she is also my.. mate.."
kaiyana looked at tsireya for a second, then smiled proudly, a little nervous on the inside but still proud.
her friends faces were shocked, completely frozen.
"mate?!" one said looking into tsireyas round eyes.
"yes" said kaiyana sternly. she was serious about tsireya so she wanted them to take the relationship seriously too.

it was silent for a bit, the four girls trying to process that their best friend had mated so young, and with a girl. they didn't even know if it was possible.

"ahhhh!!" they all screamed with a high pitched voice, pushing kaiyana away and charging to crowd tsireya. kaiyana was honestly a little offended.

"tell us everything!!!" they said eagerly to her.
"oh uhh everything?" tsireya said quietly.

"oh my god her voice is beautiful!!"
"yesss everythinggg!!"
"how did you two meet?!!"
"why is your tail like that?!"

they were all storming her with questions.
overwhelming her a little bit.
kaiyana reached in and pulled tsireya out, putting both arms around her waist against her own stomach and chest. she had a protective instinct.
"okay okay, we will answer all questions but first i want to show my reya around"
they all giggled at kaiyanas choice of words.
kaiyana didn't even notice she called tsireya 'my reya' in front of her friends.
once she realized why her friends were giggling her face turned red.
so did tsireyas.

"okay love birds, see you soon" one of her friends said waving.

kaiyana and tsireya walked away flushed red and embarrassed. but they just laughed about it.

she had shown tsireya everything. where she shot her first arrow, where she caught her first fish, where she snuck away with lo'ak when they were little. everything.

tsireyas face covered in wonder and astonishment.

lastly, kaiyana showed her her favorite spot in the whole forest.
a little waterfall hidden in a cave.

"i used to come here a lot when i would fight with my siblings" kaiyana said with her hand in the glowing water.

"it is beautiful" said tsireya, following kaiyanas actions.

kaiyana looked at tsireyas wide-eyed face.
"yeah she is.."

kaiyana went closer to her and hugged her.
arms fully around her body, head next to tsireyas.

tsireya was a little surprised at first but then held her back.

"are you okay yana?" tsireya was a little concerned of kaiyanas sudden show of affection.

"yeah, i'm just happy you're here right now" kaiyana said still hugging her.

"i am happy to be here too"

they both felt each others warm smiles.

"i love you tsireya"
"i love you too kaiyana"

the family enjoyed their time back at home. kaiyanas friends and tsireya got along perfectly. neteyam and lo'ak still teasing each other every now and then. kiri falling more in love with pandora. tuk playing non stop, and finally, jake and neytiri being content with their lives and loves.

thank you eywa.

and commenting, voting and overall enjoying my first ever fanfic/story. i appreciate it very much xx

i will be creating another story with avatar 2 oneshots, imagines, and everything else. i will also include some kaiyana x tsireya oneshots in there too. SO PLEASE CHECK THAT OUT ONCE I PUBLISH 🙏🙏☺️☺️


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