part 9: the party 2

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<i felt bad for leaving you all on a cliff hanger so i quickly wrote this short chapter 😜 i loved writing this, so i hope you love reading it!!>

we stared in silence before i told her about my feelings.
to be continued~

kaiyanas pov:
"tsireya.. seeing you dance today-" before i finished the sentence i put her hand on my heart, "-made me feel things i've never felt with anyone else"
she looked at my eyes feeling the pace of my heart.

tsireya placed my hand on her chest.

i looked her in the eyes feeling the pace of her heart.

and in that moment i knew she felt the same way i did.

"i like you tsireya"
"be with me"

"be with you?" tsireya looks at me with confusion. i laugh because she didnt understand what i meant.
"it's an earth thing father told me about, it's when two people 'date' or 'go out'"
i put my hands on her waist.
"date? go out?" she had gotten more confused.
i sigh knowing it was going to be hard to explain.
"do you like me tsireya?" i ask, staring into her gorgeous eyes, hoping she understands.
"in all honesty, i don't really know what that means but-" she cups my face, putting her forehead on mine.

"i see you"
"i see you kaiyana"

we smile together.

i kiss her softly, but this time is was gentle and quick.
"so be with me, kiss me more, hold me more, lets mate without actually mating"

"mate without mating?"
"i'll explain everything on our date tomorrow"
"what is date?"
i couldn't believe this girl, she is so cutely clueless.
"just meet me at the beach tomorrow, for now.. dance with me"

the party was still happening and they were playing some slow music, so i put tsireyas head on my shoulder, her hands on my back, and put my hands on her hips, swaying her to the music.

i was more than happy, i was so in love.
we were dancing to the music under the starry night sky, after confessing our love. nothing seemed more perfect.

<AHHH SO JEALOUS 😭😭😭 hope you guys enjoyed!!!!!>

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