part 17: eywas light

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no one's pov:
the eclipse made the day go dark. spider was telling jake where his daughters were on the ship.

jake had told neytiri to stay strong, that they had to save their daughters.

the three of them left. jake leaving lo'ak behind.
but lo'ak didn't listen. "stay with him sister" lo'ak said to kaiyana before diving into the water.
"no lo'ak!"
her words didn't reach him.

so kaiyana was left with neteyam. crying every second.

~a little later~
kaiyana couldn't handle it, seeing her dead brothers body, she just couldn't. everything had gone to shit.

kaiyana turns her head to the sound of her name, she sees tsireya swimming towards her.

"my reya!" she yelled running to her.
<yes i stole what neytiri calls jake>

they held each other in their arms. kaiyana crying and tsireya now also crying looking at her friends body in the distance.

"he's gone tsireya.. he's gone.." she sobs.

tsireyas comfort had eased her pain a little, but it was still too painful.

~a few hours later~
the family had gone back to the village. the mood was sorrowful, like there was no light.
while everyone was preparing for the funeral/ceremony, lo'ak and kaiyana asked their father to be alone with neteyam, he of course obliged.

"brother.." were lo'aks soft words to him.
"i'm so sorry, this is all my fault"

they kneel down on either side of him.
they were in a special hut where the clan prepared dead bodies to return to eywa.

kaiyana and lo'ak layed their hands on neteyams cold chest.
"i miss you neteyam" kaiyana says with a tear falling down her face.
"please come back to us"
kaiyana and lo'aks hearts became in sync.

kiri walked in the hut not knowing their was anybody there.
she gasped in shock, dropping a basket that had flowers and beads.

"mom! dad!"

kaiyana and lo'aks eyes were glowing white, as well as their body freckles. eywa had connected with them. this was the power the songs say about twins. since there were two of them, their bond is balanced.

the energy and life flowing from their brains, to their hearts, to their hands, and finally into neteyams chest.

jake and neytiri run into the hut, ready for the worst. instead they see kaiyana and lo'ak shaking like something was electrocuting them.
"kaiyana! lo'ak!" they say trying to wake them up from a weird trance. trying to also figure out why they were glowing.

all of a sudden neteyams chest lit up, and his wound had healed. the twins got released from the weird trance. the glow had faded away. they were calm but still confused of what had happened, why they were feeling neteyams heart beating.

"neteyam" kaiyana and lo'ak softly whisper in unison.

coughs came from neteyam.
jake and neytiris eyes in complete shock. as well as kiris who was standing by the hut opening.
"NETEYAM?!" neytiri screached seeing her oldest sons chest go up and down from heart beats and breaths.
she held him close to her heart.

" is that you?" neteyam asked with a shaky and dry voice, trying to open his eyes. neteyam was still sore and cold but he was warming up by the second.

"yes yes son it's us!" jake beamed with his hand on neteyams cheek.
"thank the mother you are back to us" neytiri cries with joy.

lo'ak put his hand back on neteyams heart "welcome back brother"

"what happened? where am i?" neteyam said, regaining a little strength to sit up. he was holding his head since he was having a massive headache.
"we will explain later, just rest son" said jake.

there were tears in everyone's eyes. kiri had ran to tuk to tell her what happened. they both went running to neteyam in joy.
the family hugged neteyam. warmth and love surrounding him.

the sullys had literally stuck together.

~the next day~
the sullys had stuck together the whole night. by morning, neteyam was fully healed, still had a few headaches and a dry voice but other than that, he was perfect and alive.

the whole village were ecstatic. many were confused on how he came back from the dead but they all knew it was eywas doing.

kaiyana talked to tsireya for a bit, they were both so happy. but tsireya wanted kaiyana to spend the day with her family.
"thank you reya" kaiyana said gratefully and kissed her on the cheek, before running back to her family.

the sullys spent the day eating amazing food, riding ilus and skimwings, and splashing in the water.

it was great having neteyam back.

<SO HAPPY RN!!! ik it makes no sense that neteyam came back but i just couldnt let him die😭😭 i also wanted lo'ak and kaiyana to bring him back with their weird twin powers 💀 next chapter will be reallllyyyy good.. i hope.
anyway i hope you loved this chapter!!!!!!!>

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