part 5: hidden love

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<i was going through the movie seeing what comes next so i can write more chapters but the whole fighting thing happens, and i don't want that to happen five parts in 💀 or else this story would literally be 10 chapters 😭>

<so i'm just going to create my own story, meaning the next few chapters won't have the script from the movie!> hope you guys enjoy anyway!!

no one's pov:
kaiyana wakes up in a good mood. bright and energetic. today her and the others are going to play hide and seek in the ocean. they had to teach the others how to play though since it was an earth game their dad had taught them. kaiyana wakes up lo'ak and tuk while kiri and neteyam were already awake getting ready.

"you seem happy today yana" tuk mentions on their way to the beach. lo'ak shares a glance at kaiyana and smirks knowing the reason why.

"oh really" kaiyana replies smiling with her head down. she kept thinking about what had happened the night before, she didn't know where she got all that courage to say everything she did. she remembers every detail from that night, what tsireyas smile looked like when she gave her the bracelet, the way she leaned in to kiss kaiyana, and the taste of her soft lips while holding her close.

all kaiyana wanted to do was to kiss her again.

kaiyanas pov:
me and my siblings arrive at the beach seeing aonung, rotxo, and tsireya. seeing her face smile at me, just made my heart melt. i didn't necessarily want to admit the chokehold this girl had on me, mainly because i didn't want the others to find out.

"so how do you play this 'hide and look game?" aonung asks.
"it's hide and seek aonung" tsireya corrects. "oh right"

neteyam explains the game "the rules are simple: one person is the 'seeker' and has to find where the others are hiding, the others get 60 seconds to hide anywhere they want, after 60 seconds the seeker tries to find them and tag them, if someone is tagged, then they also become a seeker and find the rest. the winner is the last person hiding"
<sorry if the rules are wrong, where i'm from this is how we play :)))>

"make sense?" neteyam asks, they all nod in response. "we will have a practice round so i will be seeker" neteyam says. "starting now.. 1   2-"
the others all escape and run away from neteyam, i saw tuk and kiri run into the village and the other boys in the water. i quickly grab tsireyas hand and dive into the water, we try and hide behind long seaweed but i guess it was an easy hiding spot since neteyam found us first. tsireya and i tried looking for the others, i know tuk and kiri went to the village so we looked there.

we eventually found them underneath a hut at the back of the village. tuk and kiri walk back to the beach sulking because they had lost. tsireya was going to follow them but i pull her back.

"this was near where we had our kiss" i say as she looks around and nods, we both smile at eachother.

what is this feeling?

we returned back at the beach seeing lo'ak, aonung, rotxo, and neteyam all out of breath. "what happened?" i ask, "they were trying to swim away" neteyam says quietly trying to breathe.

we all play a couple more rounds until the last turn which was tuks, kiri felt bad that tuk had to do it alone so they were going to be seekers together. they start counting as i run to the ocean. tsireya behind me. after a few minutes we reach this large rock, that reaches up to the surface. i needed air so i went behind the rock catching my breath. a few seconds later, i see tsireya come to the surface as well, hiding with me.

no one's pov:
kaiyana and tsireya stare at each others eyes for a while until the atmosphere was filled with intensity and lust, they float together behind the rock slowly getting closer. kaiyana puts her hand around tsireyas waist and pulls her close,

"i wanted to do this all day" kaiyana says softly, almost like a whisper.

kaiyana kisses tsireya, unlike the night before which was passionate and pure, this kiss was strong and deep. kaiyana was kissing her so affectionately like she was hungry for her taste. their tongues dance together, kaiyana pushes her against the rock, tsireyas arms go around kaiyanas neck, with their bodies only inches away. their heat warming the water around them.

they break the kiss hearing a splash in the distance, they look at each other remembering the game was still playing. they look around the rock to see if anyone was there but there wasn't. after a couples minutes of them holding each other, they swim back to the beach to see the others.

kaiyana and tsireya got out of the water. the first thing they see is aonung pushing lo'ak into the sand. tuk, kiri, and neteyam were no where to be seen.

they looked angry.

"you are all freaks!"

<oooooo spicy chapter 🤭🤭 the next one is a little sad just letting you all know> i'm running out of ideas so please give your suggestions!! 🙏🙏🙏>

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