part 16: war

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no one's pov:
lo'ak, kaiyana, and tuk quickly swim towards payakan.
they see that payakan had been hit by pinger.
they all start panicking seeing the sky peoples ship heading in their direction.
they try and pull out the pinger but there was no luck.

"call it in! call dad!" kaiyana yelled at lo'ak.
he runs on top of payakan and talks through his communicator.

kaiyanas pov:
"it's getting closer!" tuk says warning us.
i try my hardest pulling the pinger but it was stuck in there.
i had an idea to attach the pinger to my ilu by rope so my ilus strength could pull it out.

"here lo'ak!" i throw him the rope that i had on my ilu and attach it.
the three of us try pulling the pinger out, more anxious every second.
"pull harder!!!" tuk screams as we all watch the ship come closer and closer.

after pulling at the pinger, it finally comes out.
"go leave! i'll draw them off!" i say riding away holding the pinger that is attached to my ilu.
"come on tuk!" i hear lo'ak say pulling tuk on his ilu.

we dive down under water.
i hear the pinger beeping meaning they were tracking me. so i drop it.
i swim to lo'ak and tuk, but soon get chased by these under water robot machines.
we try swimming through seaweed patches to lose them but they keep on our tail.

i had gotten separated from lo'ak and tuk, by a machine. while swimming away i suddenly feel a jolt because my ilu had been shot by a floating thing. i try swimming away on my own but the machine was too fast.

luckily i see lo'ak on his ilu by himself. where was tuk?! he saves me from the machine and we swim to this plant that had air.
i  hear tuks scream seeing us come up.
i hold her close. both breathing heavily in panic.
"it's coming!" lo'ak says to us.
we take a deep breath and dive under trying to escape.

before we knew it, me and tuk had gotten caught in this net and dragged out the water.
we come up to the surface, lo'ak hanging on trying to cut us out with his dagger.
"hurry! hurry!" i yell.

we land on this ship, me and tuk still under the net trying to escape until we see guns pointing at us.
"let go of him!!" i yell at the enemy, they were hurting lo'ak.
my body gets pulled away by this avatar. i try wriggling out of his grasp but i couldn't. i growl and hiss at him from instinct.
the three of us got attached to this bar.

in the distance we see skimwings, it was dad!

this random male avatar took lo'aks communicator and started talking to my father.
he said a few words until he pulled out his gun and aimed it at lo'aks heads.
"lo'ak! no" i yell trying to break free.
i was feeling lo'aks anger. we were feeling each others.
while thinking of a plan, a tulkun jumps out the water and landed on top of the ship.
"payakan!" tuk said recognizing the tulkun.
this distraction was perfect. me and lo'ak try kicking the enemy, until the ship starts moving side to side vigorously.
we fly off the ground and in the air, still attached to the bar.
this huge splash of water comes on top of our heads, i try to cover tuk protecting her.
i see tuk look behind me and say "neteyam!"
i turn my head and see him run to us.

he cuts us loose and we jump in the water.
we try heading to safety until we see kiri get grabbed and taken to the ship.
"we have to go get her!" i wanted to save kiri but it was too dangerous, i had to protect tuk.

"tuk wait!" she tried swimming away.
"sullys stick together" she said diving into the water.
she was right, sullys stick together. we swim to the ship to sneak in.
we see kiri tied up to a bar near a water hole.
"tuk, yana!" kiri says seeing us.
me and tuk try to break the strap, but then the man grabs tuk. "tuk no!!" i yell before getting pushed into the water. how could this be happening? i lost tuk and kiri. i swim away clicking my throat to call an ilu. luckily one came and i swam away.
i do circles around the area. hoping to save them some how.

i then hear lo'aks voice. i swim to him and see spider and neteyam there too.
"get on" i say.
"you skxawng.. i'm shot"
hearing those words made my heart drop. shit shit shit shit shit. i get off the ilu and help drag neteyam on it.
while swimming away i say "they for kiri and tuk"

no one's pov:
lo'ak, kaiyana, spider, and neteyam reach a rock, they see jake run towards them.
"dad! dad help! it's neteyam!" jake pulls them up onto the rock and lay neteyam down checking his wound.
kaiyana had tears in her eyes seeing her older brother like this.
"no no no"
words of panic and fear were surrounding everyone's ears.
"dad dad"
kaiyana sees her mother fly down and run to neteyam.
they all hold his body as he says his final words.
"i want to go home.." those words made everyone's heart stop.
"dad i-"

neteyams eyes had dilated.

his heart stopped.

he was dead.

"neteyam.." they hear their mother say in a painful voice.
"NETEYAM!!" her screams made kaiyana ache. their bodies and souls shattering.

lo'ak and kaiyana could feel eachothers pain. making them feel worse.

"where are your sisters" jake asked lo'ak.
"you sisters! where are they?!"

kaiyana answered for him
"they are on the ship, they are tied up on the ship" her breath hitching every word.

<LOL i love how kaiyana was basically tiserya this whole chapter!! i rushed it a little bit, so i'm sorry about that 🥲 be prepared for the next one! gonna be interesting!!>

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