part 10: bond

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disclaimer: in this chapter i will be changing some avatar lore so please don't judge too harshly 🥲

no one's pov:
the sun shines brightly waking kaiyana up. today was her first date so she woke up earlier than usual out of nervousness. she looks around seeing her families faces sleeping peacefully, she smiles at the sight.
but the only one who wasn't there was neteyam. where could he be? kaiyana thought, stepping out of the hut and looking in the distance.

she spots neteyam on a rock with his feet dipped in water.

"hey big brother, what are you doing up so early?" kaiyana asks, seating herself beside him. "just thinking" he answers. a few seconds later he turns to face kaiyana, "be honest with me yana,.. do you like tsireya?"

his question shocked kaiyana, she didn't how or when he found out. "how did you-" "just answer my question"

kaiyana was tired of hiding it, now that her and tsireya were official, she didn't feel the need to keep it a secret from her family anymore. kaiyana took a deep breath and said "yes, i do" with certainty. her words and her tone sort of moved neteyam, although kaiyana had her mothers eyes, she looks at tsireya the same way jake looks at neytiri. that's the look neteyam recognized at the party.

"ahh i see" neteyam replies looking back at his feet, which was nervously playing in the water.
"who knows about it?" he asks.
"lo'ak and aonung" she answers.
neteyam realizes what the fight was about "ohh so that's why lo'ak and aonung fought"
kaiyana nods in response.
"what about mom and dad?"
"i told mom so dad probably knows as well, but they both haven't said anything yet"
"tuk and kiri?"
"not yet.."
"i think tuk will like your relationship with tsireya, i don't know about kiri though.."
"well how do you feel about it?" kaiyana asks neteyam in a soft voice.

neteyam quickly pulls kaiyana towards his chest, and puts his arm around her neck. "you will always be my little sister yana, i'm happy you found love" he shakes her aggressively while smiling widely.
kaiyana wriggles out of his arm and pushes neteyam away in disgust after hearing those corny words.
kaiyana seemed weirded out on the outside, but inside she was grateful.

kaiyana slaps her knees and stands up "well i've got a date so i better get going" she says in a teasing way, knowing neteyam is definitely jealous of their amazing relationship. <don't worry neteyam, me too 😭✋>
"good luck... and don't do anything stupid!" he yells watching her walk along the beach.

kaiyanas pov:
i hear voices in the village so that would mean everyone has woken up, i walk to the place tsireya and i usually meet up.

i see her standing on the shore, her feet touching the water as the waves comes in. her hands behind her back smiling at the ocean.

"i'm here" i say walking up to her. we both share the smile looking at each other. today feels different, unlike the other times we've hung out, today seems better, like me and her have gone closer.

i peck her cheek quickly.
"let's go!" i say dragging her arm to the water, we call out to our ilus and swim away from the village.

on the way to our destination i try and explain what i meant last night. the whole 'dating' thing was hard explaining since na'vis only mate once and for the rest of their lives, but after also explaining the words 'going out', and 'dates' she got the hang of it.
"i think i understand now.. wow i have never dated anyone before" she says with an intrigued eye expression.
"neither have i" i say back, i don't know why but i felt a little embarrassed saying that. it's not like i couldn't date anyone, i just never thought i liked girls, and if there were any boys i liked, i was either to young or my brothers would scare him off before anything could happen.
but tsireya would also be the same so i didn't think to much about it.

i took her to the cove of the ancestors to see the spirit tree. we leave our ilus and swim to the tree.

while playing between the glowing vines, i look up to see if there are any air pockets i could breathe in. to my luck i find one. me and tsireya swim towards it and take deep breaths as our heads get out of the water.
the pocket wasn't too big but it wasn't too small.

we stare at each other for a bit, i admire her pretty facial features. she looked down seeing the light from the tree shine into the air pocket. it had made the walls shimmer and sparkle.

to ease the awkward silence, i say the first thing that comes to mind. "you um swim really fast" i couldn't believe myself, how stupid am i?
she giggles and puts her hand over her mouth.
i noticed the pearl bracelet around her wrist and smile at it. i'm glad she still wears it.
she noticed me looking at the bracelet, her smile fades and says "there is something i haven't told you yet"

i got a little scared of that sentence wondering what it could be.

"i didnt tell you this before because maybe you wouldn't want to give me the bracelet, but-"
she looks me dead in the eye and says with a soft voice "-in my culture, if you ever receive a pearl as a gift or present, it means the other person truly respects you, that they find the most comfort when they're with you. that you are considered to be their home.."

she looks at me awaiting my reaction, i didn't know what to say, i mean wow, i didn't know a pearl could have so much meaning and thought.
i stare into her eyes, switching from one eye to the other.

the mood went quiet.

"even if i knew back then... i still would've given it too you" i say slowly holding her hands.

no one's pov:
kaiyana pulls her arms towards her, tsireya smiling widely hearing those words. their eyes glued on eachother, shimmering in the spirit trees glow. tsireyas pearl bracelet shining brightly as well. they looked at each other with pure love and affection, as if time had stopped.

instead of a kiss they just held each other. hugging in the bright water, grateful to have one another.

they put the foreheads against each other.

"you are my home,"
"you're my pearl tsireya"

and seconds before they kiss they suddenly feel this wave of energy and life flowing through their bodies. they separate unknowingly, curious of what had just happened.

<interesting chapter,, just to let everyone know, i won't be changing anything to do with any characters. but if you guys want the story to change or an idea included, lmk 😊>

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