part 13: connection

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no one's pov:
kaiyana starts her day walking along the beach like she usually does, she hasn't talked to tsireya since the thing that happened with ronal, she felt nervous to see her again.
kaiyana looks into the ocean seeing the guys playing around.
she swam over to them.
"hey guys have you seen tsireya?" she asks the group.
"i saw her this morning ride her ilu towards the cove" aonung answers.

kaiyana was a little skeptical of aonungs answer because he usually jokes around or says some kind of insult. but today he was fine. he must've gotten more comfortable around the sullys, especially now since his sister was mated to one of them.

it was a nice seeing aonung play around with her brothers.

kaiyana rides her ilu to the cove. on the way over she thought about what she was going to say to her.
she spent a few minutes trying to find tsireya.

tsireya was sitting on a patch of grass under some trees, she looked lost in thought. kaiyana walked up to her.

"hey reya"
tsireya looks up making eye contact with kaiyana, there was a lot of tension.
"hello kaiyana"

kaiyanas pov:
i called tsireya by her nickname for the first time, but i guess she didn't notice.
"what are you doing here?" i ask, sitting next to her. "just thinking" she replies looking down at the grass.
it was silent for a bit, but i realized i needed to let her know how i feel, i needed to reassure her.
i turn to face her, with sincerity in my eyes.

"tsireya.. " she turns to look at me.
"i've thought a lot about what happened with ronal and.. i want you to know that my feelings for you haven't changed, i still love you. no matter if we're mated or not, you will always have my heart"

tsireyas pov:
my heart froze, hearing those words made me feel.. happy. more happy than anything. for a while i kept thinking about if kaiyana had still felt the same way i feel about her. i was never good at expressing how i feel. i could not find the right words, so i worried.., but when i am with kaiyana, it is a though i do not need words.

she look at me awaiting my response, i see love in her eyes.

"Nga yawne lu oer"
      (i love you in na'vi)

no one's pov:
there was silence for a few seconds until kaiyana immediately kissed her. one hand on her cheek, the other on her waist pulling her close to her body. tsireya put one hand over kaiyanas, and the other on her chest near her heart.

the kiss was passionate and intense. heaving breathing between the kisses.

they eventually pull away putting their foreheads against each other.

"let's just lay in each others arms" kaiyana says to her.

they lie down in shade under the tree, the air warm and the wind cool.

tsireyas head on kaiyanas chest hearing her heart beat, it was calm and steady.
kaiyanas arms around tsireyas body feeling the warm and soft skin she loves.

"thank you yana.." tsireya says softly.
kaiyana smiles hearing tsireya call her by her nickname, she did notice.
"for what?"
"for being my side.."
kaiyana kisses the top of her head gently without saying a word. they knew how much they meant to each other.

they were both sleepy after tiring days. so they slept quietly together.

~a little later~
"kaiyana! kaiyana!"

the two girls quickly wake up hearing the voice of neteyam through kaiyanas neck communicator.
they let go of each other, panicking about what had happened.

"what happened neteyam!" kaiyana says pressing the communicator.
"a tulkun and her calf have been killed by the sky people! come back to the village now!"

kaiyana and tsireya look at each other with shock and worry, running to find their ilu.

<i keep writing lovey dovey scenes, I WANT MORE COMEDY AND TENSION!!!

kaiyana and tsireya lowkey seem like a married couple, they already sorta are, but it's still.. 🙃lol

omg i looked back on the very first chapter i wrote, and wow was it terrible. i think i definitely improved bc those two paragraphs were painful to read 😭🥲

pleaseeee let me know your thoughts, i don't know what you guys want from the relationship so i'm just trying to put in cute scenes but i think i need more laughter, but it is going to be hard considering they are about to go to war 🫢 i'll definitely put more intense and steamy moments for fun 🤭🤭
i also NEED more lo'ak, neteyam, and aonung or i might die.

hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!!!!>

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