• Prologue - The Past •

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Eclipse's POV:

Oh, how I miss the old times. When me, Sun and Moon were all daycare attendants together. The times when Moon was still with us. Those were the best times for us, but that of course had to change. I often remind myself how good of times they were, how we always joked with each other.

How we always decorated the place for all holidays, for Halloween Moon and I often scared the children together. Heh, Sun kept telling us to not do that, he got upset whenever we scared them.

Sun was of course the one to take care of the children during the daytime, I was the one who performed tricks and entertained the kids the most, while Moon was the one to take care of nap time. Those were the fun times...




"-That's what my idea for what we do for Christmas this year is!" Sun had just told me his ideas, they were okay, it gave me quite some work but I didn't mind. I like children, but only certain ones, I suppose I just don't mind them as much as Sun or Moon do.

Moon dislikes the children more than likes them, but he seems calm and happy with putting them to sleep and dealing with the calmer kids, with the more energetic and chaotic children, that's a different story. For Sun it's easy, he loves the children and would do anything for them.

We continue talking about ideas and plans for Christmas and other occasions, and suddenly a certain animatronic pops out of the air vents above us. "Hi" He speaks out, I got only slightly startled while Sun let out a small screech. "Moon, stop scaring me so much!" Sun says, to which Moon just lets out a small playful giggle.

"Eh, you just get scared too easily, and that's not really my fault you do" Moon speaks confidently, jumping down from the vents. "Well maybe if you would stop scaring me, I would not get scared so easily!" Sun then says. We often have small quarrels like this, mainly Sun and Moon though, I sometimes join in them for fun, taking whichever side I decide to be on.

"Anyways, you two are talking about ideas and plans for the Holidays, right?" Moon asks, to which I answer with a nod. "I have an idea for what we can do!" Moon states cheerfully. "I swear to God if it's gonna be something to make the children be upset and sad-" Sun says before Moon cuts him off. "Don't worry, it's nothing like that" He then proceeds to tell a pretty good idea.

"Okay, somehow that is actually an acceptable idea" Sun speaks. "I know it is, I always have good ideas!" Moon says proudly, to which Sun just answers: "I wouldn't say *always* but sure, whatever you say"




Sun and Moon are like brothers to me or one of them; WAS like a brother to me. We three were best friends, we were completely inseparable, and when that day came, when Moon snapped at the children, when the homicide code took control of him for that certain time, the day of July 16th, it brought worry to everyone, even the workers,

He started being less trusted by everyone, mainly the workers. But we were still there for him, even if everyone else turned their back on him, me, Sun and Moon still carried the same friendship.

But then, that day came. The day that brought shock and agony for me and Sun, I remember it so clearly. I almost attacked the workers, Sun had to hold me back to not kill them. We cried for hours on end, even Sun started to be less joyful and energetic. The workers, other animatronics and even the children noticed us being less happy all the time.

I promised myself to never forgive the workers after that. And the promise still lasts to this day.

Then the day that a replacement came, he's so different from Moon, but at the same time he's so similar, we decided to trust him and have a good friendship with him. We think of him as our brother. We grew overprotective of him, what happened that day brought paranoia and trauma towards me and Sun, and we won't ever let it happen ever again.

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