• Chapter 8 - An Odd Sighting •

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Lunar's POV:

The Pizzaplex just got closed so me, Sun and Eclipse are left alone in the daycare. I don't know why but during the day, even when the children were here - I felt like I was being watched. It's an odd feeling, but I'm not gonna say anything to Sun nor Eclipse because It's probably nothing anyway.

I sit on top of one of the soft play areas and fidget around with my hands, since I don't have anything better to do currently.

I look down from atop and see Eclipse and Sun talking about something, I can't really hear from this distance what exactly they are talking about but judging from their expression it's a serious conversation, so I rather not interrupt them.

I jump down onto the padded floor and walk towards the exit of the daycare. Maybe I can roam around a bit to cure my boredom.

As I walk through the big Pizzaplex, the odd feeling of being watched continues to haunt me. I don't know what's going on, but whatever it is - I don't like it.

Standing on the highest floor of the atrium and looking at the first floor, just watching what's going on isn't too fun, but not too boring in the same time, so that's what I decide to do.

As I watch what's going on, I see a figure running across the atrium, running towards the second floor and to the elevators.

"Hey, Wait up!" I yell out as I start running after the figure, wanting to figure out who they are.

Unlucky for me, they don't wait, but instead continue running, I somehow manage to get closer to the figure, yet the only thing I could figure of their design was a dark grey cape tied to their back, it waved in the air as the figure manages to run out of the Pizzaplex and somewhere farther away.

I don't continue following them since Eclipse and Sun told me it's dangerous for me to just run off on my own. Defeated, I walk back into the Pizzaplex and back to the daycare.

I would tell them what I saw, but I rather not bother them with that, it was probably just some guy who broke into the Pizzaplex and was running from me because they knew they got caught afterall.

But I will say, during the time they ran, I managed to take a peak at half of his face. It was red, and the eye was black with a light red pupil inside of it. Their face seemed to be ever-so-slightly damaged, but I'm not gonna think much of it.

That experience was surely very odd, but ignoring it would be likely the best option, I can't just think about it all day and night because that isn't really healthy.

But then after that day, it started happening over and over again. I saw some guy in the Pizzaplex and they started running from me as I chased them, trying to catch on to them so I can somehow talk to them. Each time it happend they were closer and closer to the daycare.

I wonder how Eclipse and Sun didn't see them yet.

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