• Chapter 15 - Something Bad's Bound To Happen To Us. •

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Lunar's POV:

Do you know the feeling that you can tell something bad is about to happen, like you can just basically smell it getting closer and closer to you? That's what I've been feeling for the past weeks. Everything apparently is going well; Eclipse, Sun and Moon reunited, and things have just been going well.

I want to believe this is going to stay like this forever, but if I can feel something is nearing us, it's fair to think that something bad is bound to happen, right? 'Nothing ever lasts forever' as others so often say, which always ends up being correct.

Is it just me, or has Moon been acting more...how do I say it? More...odd. From time to time he gets really distant from us, and acts out more angry.

Maybe it's just hallucinations, but I swear I saw Moon's eyes turn pitch black for a second. Am I the only one who saw that?

A loud bang sounds out, pulling me out of my thoughts, to which I look around panickly. What was that? Maybe it was just in my head?

I hear voices coming from a certain spot which isn't too far from me; maybe where the bang came from?

My legs uncontrollablely carry me to where the voices are coming from, my fear growing with each step I make. I feel my legs shaking beneath me. Why am I so scared? The feeling that something bad is about to happen grows and grows until it becomes near unbearable.

I feel my breath hitch as I hear the voices become louder. I wander quietly and sneakily to where the voices are coming from and stop in my tracks when I can somewhat hear what they're saying.

I hear the voices of Eclipse and Sun. Something doesn't feel right.

My breath hitches again and I listen carefully to what they're saying.

"Moon..? Are you okay?" A voice that sounds like Sun speaks out; looks like Moon is there. Is he okay? What's going on there?

I take a deep breath and rush to them. Upon arriving at the scene, I see the ones I heard earlier - Sun, Eclipse and the one that they were talking to - Moon.

"What's going on?" I say shakily, Eclipse and Sun turns to us. "Something's going on with Moon." Eclipse replies, his hand placed on Moon's back. Moon is kneeling down, Eclipse is right next to him and Sun standing next to Eclipse.

Moon then looks up, his eyes pitch black. It's just like I saw earlier. I don't like this.

He has an evil-like grin on his face, Sun takes a step back while Eclipse stays right there next to Moon, despite seeing what's going on.

I witness his eyes glitch and he falls onto his knees, his breathing seems to be heavy.

"Moony..?" I say, walking closer to him and reaching my hand toward him. "Get..away from me." Moon says, to which my hand flinches away. His voice was glitchy, even Eclipse flinched because of the voice.

Moon stands up with a bit of trouble, stumbling on his feet once he stands, but catches himself before he falls.

"Are you okay..?" Eclipse asks nervously, to which Moon doesn't answer, yet pushes Eclipse and just runs away.

Eclipse reaches out to him, but gives up on running after him. "What the heck was that..." Sun half-asks. "I have no clue." Eclipse answers before sighing.

This is the beggining of a new era I suppose. What's going on with Moony..?

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