• Chapter 20 - The Beggining Of The End •

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Eclipse's POV:

Moon falls to the ground with a small thud. I pull myself up to a standing position and kneel down next to him.

"Hey, brother? Are you okay?" I say worriedly. He lets out a small chuckle and grabs my arm harshly, which follows by him raising his head to look at me.

It's at that moment I realise that his eyes are pitch black with white star-shaped pupils.

"Hello there, dear 'brother'." He says with a wide grin on his face. That's not Moon. Moon's voice isn't this glitchy and that are most certainly not what Moon's eyes look like.

"Who the fuck are you. And what did you do to my brother!?" I yell out at this unknown thing - whatever it is.

He ignores my questions and grabs my arm harder to which he shoves me to the ground with a thud, he then lets go of my arm and stands up.

I try to get up but he quickly throws his leg onto my back, pushing me back to the ground again.

"You aren't getting away that easily, 'brother'." He says with a glitching voice. "Don't fucking call me that." I breathe out, I haven't even realised I've been holding my breath.

"Answer my question - who the fuck are you?" I ask once again, to which he lets out a small chuckle. "You can call me Comet." He at last replies.

"What do you want from-!?" I start, but Comet cuts it off with raising his leg and stomping on my back with extreme speed and force.

"Fuck." I breathe out. Why the hell did he do that?

"You're asking too many questions for your own good, Eclipse." He speaks, as if reading my mind.

He kicks me away and his evil grin returns. "This is gonna be fun." He states.

I sit up, breathing sort of heavily. "What do you mean by that." I half-ask. "Don't you see? This is the beggining of your inevitable end, Eclipse!" He replies enthusiastically, ending it off with a chuckle.

I glare at him with widened eyes. What does he mean by 'inevitable end'..? Does this have anything to do with that dream..? Wait. That dream. Moon was leaking oil, extremely wounded and a shadow was standing right behind him.

Does that mean..? No. I can't think that. He isn't gonna die, right? I have to be on high alert. I need to make sure nothing bad happens.

But is it really possible to stop this..?

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