• Chapter 2 - Comfort From A Sibling •

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Sun's POV:

I wrap my arms around my legs and put my head between my knees. Tears fill my eyes as I quietly sob to myself. What have I just done? Why did I do it..? I'm angry at myself, yet in the same time I'm terrified. What will the others think about me when they find out? A thousand thoughts run through my head as I continue crying and sobbing silently.

I hear a voice through my clouds of thought, but I can't look up, it's like something is stopping me. Suddenly I feel arms wrap around me, which pull me into a hug. "Brother-" He says, but I just sob louder, hearing his voice just pains me even more.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't...I really didn't mean to..!" I apologize through my muffled sobs, but he just continues hugging me. "I know you didn't mean to." He says calmly, hugging me tighter. I can't look him in the face after what happened, it's like a thousand blades cutting through me.

"Wh-What if they do the same to me that..they did to Moon..?" I ask, that's the thought that makes me terrified, I don't want to end up dead. Completely rid of all my back-ups, of my life.

"They won't." He states. "How do you know that..? Th-They probably will.." I say, tears continuing to run down my face, my voice shaky from the crying. "I'll make sure of it, as long as I'm here they won't do anything to you or Lunar." He reasures me.

I then pull away from the hug and look up at him, his warm smile making me feel an emotion I can't really explain. I then take a glance on a certain part of his face and instantly look away, my expression filled with guilt.

"Aren't you mad at me..?" I say quietly, but loud enough for Eclipse to hear. "Of course I'm not. Why would I be?" He answers. "I'm so sorry. When the children angered me, I lost control." I speak again, and then see Eclipse's expression change.

"I know you didn't mean it, you don't need to apologize so much." He says and once again hugs me. I hug back and tears run down my face once again.

We sit there for God knows how long, just hugging each other. It feels comforting and relieving. I let out all of my bottled up negative emotions from years on end.

Eclipse taking time out of his day to comfort me and make sure I'm okay makes me feel happy. It lets me know he definetly cares about me despite how he acts from time to time.

Eventually Eclipse left when he made sure I was fully alright. The thought of what the workers will do to me still makes me scared, but I'm choosing to ignore it. I know very well that as long as Eclipse is here with me, I'll be perfectly fine.

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