• Chapter 4 - A Mysterious Dream •

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Sun's POV:

I wake up in a void, a void unfamiliar yet so familiar in the same time. As I walk, unable to control where my body leads me through the endless darkness, I see stars littering the place around me, but something is off about them, they're covered in two liquids. One black and the other red.

My body kneels down In front of one of the stars, my hands pick the star up and gently wipe the oily liquids off of the barely glowing yellow star.

When I finish wiping the liquids off of the star, it starts glowing more brightly, giving me a wave of déjà vu, but I can't seem to recall why.

I feel control over myself and my body getting back to me, I then see a bright source of light shining Infront of me. I stand up, the star still in my hands and I start slowly walking towards the blinding light Infront of me, both my eyes half-closed as I stare into the whiteness overcoming the dark void previously surrounding me.

As the blinding light fully surrounds me, I shut my eyes for a brief moment, once I open them, I'm in the daycare again. It's almost like the daycare we currently have, almost. The ambience that this place gives off is way different than our current one.

I walk along a certain path that this place is making me lead to. I see stars littering the floor again. They look exactly like how they looked like in the black void.

Looking around the place, my vision stops at a certain point. I saw myself kneeling down on the floor, the star in my hands and gently wiping the liquids off of the star.

I walked up to this other me, and tried putting my hand on his shoulder. But my hand just went through his body, it was like I was a ghost of some sort.

Then I see a panicked expression on his face and he starts running somewhere.

Wait. This seems too familiar.

I run behind him to catch up. He runs somewhere that seems to have blood splattered on the floor and other spots.

He stops in his tracks and yells out: "Eclipse, Moon!?" And his vision stops and he stares at one certain spot.

"Moon..?" He speaks, hearing my decommissioned brother's name making me feel upset.

He then walks forward and kneels down Infront of someone, who looks like a shadow through my vision.

I move towards them, carefully and slowly taking my steps. This other me seems to be comforting this shadowy figure, and then it hit me like a rock.

I recognise this. This happend on that day. It happend on July 16th. It was the day of the tragedy. The beggining that soon lead Moon to his death.

Suddenly instead of the shadowy figure being there, it turned into Moon. His body splattered with blood, his face with oil on it. It's like time froze for a moment. As all the memories hit me.

I collapse on my knees, everything around me disappears and all that's left is me, the void and my thoughts.

I start hearing whispers around me, I know what they're saying, and it's making me lose my mind. I grab my head in frustration as heavy tears roll down my face. I want to scream. Remembering that day makes me feel terrible. I feel like it was my fault. If I stopped him, if I was there with him - none of this would've happend.

He would still be alive..

It's my fault.

All of it.

It's all my fault.

The whispers around me become louder, I hear what they're saying.

I just want them to stop.

Please make them stop.

My eyes shut and I hear a ringing sounds, making all of the voices stop talking.

I open my eyes again, and I'm back where I last was. I sit up and just start crying and silently sobbing to myself.

Despite the voices not being here, my head still continues to torment me with these thoughts, and they just make more tears fall.

After a while I start to slowly calm down, even with the thoughts still tormenting me. I take deep breaths like Eclipse usually tells me to do when something like this is happening.

I wipe the tears off my face. It felt relieving to just let all of my emotions out, but the events of July still continue to torment me, I just push them aside and try not to let them take over my thoughts and daily activities. I would not manage to take it anymore if I wouldn't push those thoughts aside.

I look at the time and see that it's 4 am. I'll sleep a bit more. I once again shut my eyes and fall asleep. This time luckily not having a dream nor a nightmare.

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