• Chapter 10 - A First Interaction Of One Another •

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!Content Warning!

Lunar's POV:

The same scene as usual happens, as if it's put on a loop every single day. I walk outside of the daycare, see the person and they start running. I'm not sure why, but today I feel pretty confident in catching them to get to know what is going on with that person.

I witness them next to the elevators on the lobby side and they start sprinting to the exit as soon as they see me. I start chasing after them, trying my best to pick up the speed to catch up. I reach out Infront of me right as the stranger was about to escape and get ahold of their arm.

They struggle to pull their arm away from me, but seem to give up after a few seconds. They sigh in defeat and look up at me, giving me the opportunity to fully see how they look like. Half of their face is a bit darker than bright red, the other being a way darker shade of red.

One of the pupils on their eyes is a light red star shape, the other being a bright red star shape. "Seems like I've been caught." The stranger's voice pulls me right out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, now it's time for you to explain, first of all; who are you, and second of all, why are you here" I say, I didn't mean it to sound harsh, but it did come out to be slightly rude, which I feel guilty about.

"I'm Bloodmoon. Just BM for short. The purpose for why I'm here I won't disclose though" They answer. Their voice seems to be oddly scary and deranged, but the personality seems to be calm, basically the opposite of what their voice sounds like.

"Where do you always run off to?" I ask, curiousity gets the best of me, I really am wondering where they usually run off to.

I hear them mutter something before they sigh and say: "Follow me." I look around panickly as they go closer to the exit. "I don't think it's okay for me to just leave the Pizzaplex-" I say before getting cut off. "You can leave. You'll just have to get an excuse for why you 'disappeared' so suddenly."

I give in and just follow behind Bloodmoon.

After a while of walking in pure silence, we arrive somewhere that is completely unknown to me. It's basically a house in the middle of the woods. In the middle of nowhere.

They lead me to the inside of the house and shouts out: "Get over here everyone, we have a guest!" To which soon after, multiple footsteps are heard and three animatronics arrive, one of them sticking out the most to me.

"Did you seriously." The one that stuck out to me speaks, glaring at Bloodmoon with an irritated expression.

"Okay, listen. I'm sorry, but he caught me as I was trying to escape." Bloodmoon says, the one who spoke previously looks not only irritated, but also panicked. "Why were you even there?" He asks.

"Curiosity." Bloodmoon then answers. "Curiosity!? Do you realize what will happen now? Eclipse and Sun will find out and then everything will go fucking wrong!" He says. I can see him trembling as he's holding his head in frustration.

"Calm down, Moon. They don't have to find out about this." Bloodmoon speaks before walking closer to him and hugging him.

Wait. 'Moon'? Is it really him? The one that I apparently replaced? The one that Eclipse and Sun miss so dearly?

I watch as Bloodmoon calms Moon down, which fortunately didn't take as long as I anticipated it would. "Hey, Lunar?" Bloodmoon suddenly says. I'm not even questioning how he knows my name.

"Yeah..?" I speak out, to which Bloodmoon walks closer to me. "You can't tell anyone that you were ever here, okay?" He says, to which I nod in response. "I won't."

"Thank you." Moon speaks.

Bloodmoon introduces me to everyone here. Him and Moon of course, and then Nyx, Caprion and Azrael. I already seem to get along with all of them, especially Moon. We decided that I'll be going here as often as I can. This was going to be fun, the only problem is to make sure the others don't find out.

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