01. Nephew's Wedding.

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"Dad please hurry up you are taking all the time in the world." Jungkook shouted from the living room, sipping his morning coffee.

"Just 5 minutes." Replied his omega father.

"It's been an hour you are saying the same thing." Jungkook sigh in frustration. 

"What did you said?" He jumped hearing his father's voice from behind the couch.

"D-Dad I-" He tried to say something before his dad misunderstood him but his words cuts of by his father.

"You can't even wait for 5 minutes and here I keep you in me 9 nine m-months." His father said as his voice trembled and Jungkook closed his eyes.

"Not again..." He mumbled caressing his forehead.

"See now you can't tolerate me, it's just because I am getting old day by day."

"No dad you misunderstood-" Jungkook and tried.

"I-I am scared." His father looked away from Jungkook and blinked so many times so the only tear in his eyes can fall from his eyes then he again looked at Jungkook with tear in his cheek sliding down. "I am scared that one day you will mate with one of your rich buisness partners and dump me in the trashcan." The Omega father completed as he saw his son's eyes widened as the young Alpha shooked his head.

"What the f-" Jungkook is about to curse but stopped when his father glares at him. "What are you saying that, how can you even think that I will allow something like that to happen." Jungkook said as he saw his father shrugged dramatically. He sighed nodding his head. "Ok ok, take as much as time you want I am waiting." Jungkook said as his father bit his lips to not to laugh.

"You can go, I will book a cab for myself, I think I am not worthy to sit in your luxurious car's." O god the drama didn't finished yet, Jungkook screamed in his mind.

"I am waiting dad, I am working my ass off just for you, everything is for you dad." Alpha said sincerely caressing his dad cheeks who blinked innocently.

"Can I go now? I have to get ready." He asked in a low voice, that's when Jungkook looked at his father's clothes and realised he didn't even changed his clothes. What the fuck he was doing from an hour? He thought to himself. He lightly patted his father's cheeks and nodded.

"I will not take long I promise." And the elder omega ran away screaming these words.

"We will see." Jungkook leaned back on the sofa as he closed his eyes sighing heavily, he looked at the digital clock which is hanging on the wall, he is already an hour late for his office.

He was thinking about his work and other things that's when his phone rang, he took out from his pocket and it's unknown number.


"Hello... Can I talk to Jeon JungHyun?" He heard a sweet honey voice from the other side on the line.

"Umm... He is getting ready, you can leave your message." Jungkook said.

"Please tell him to hurry up, we are already at the venue." The voice said and Jungkook nodded his head.

"Oh... Ok ok!! Um your name?" The Alpha asked.

"Jimin." His wolf howled hearing the name.

"Ok, Jimin I will tell him." He said as he hung up the phone quickly.

"What the fuck was that?" He cursed as he placed his hand on his chest asking to himself. His brows furrowed when he realised something.

"Dad Why are you sharing my number to everyone? Am I your secretary?" He asked loudly even though he knows his dad can't hear him from his room.

"You are my puppy." He again jumped hearing his father's voice. How did he always appeared out of nowhere.

"Ok ok, they called and said they are already at the venue." Jungkook said as saw his father panicked running here and there picking all the gifts he bought for his nephew's wedding.

"Calm down dad... Give me some of the stuffs." Jungkook said following his dad.

"No no, go take out the car, we are late." He father said again running towards his room.

He frowned. "Don't run dad." He shouted walking out of the house.

Walking out of the house he can help but remember the Honey voice, who is the person behind the voice. Will the person is also sweet as his voice?

"Why are you still here?" His father said near almost in his ear, the Alpha is sure he will die from heartattack one day. "If we are late it's because of you, you are taking too much time." His father said walking past him and he looked at him in disbelief.

He scoffed following him from behind.

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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