11. Sudden kiss.

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When they reached home, it was already 5 almost evening, Jimin walked in with the bag of his dress holding close to his chest as if it's contain some treasure.

The guards opened the door for him and he entered, with the Alpha followed him from behind.

The Alpha's phone rang as he excuses himself after he saw it's his secretary who is calling him.

Jimin huffed as he placed the shopping bag on the sofa as he himself sat on the sofa beside the bag, he took out his phone and called his father-in-law, who still didn't came back. The man told him that, there's some issues in his work and it will take more time, he will be back till night, the later said that not to wait for him. Jimin informed him about the party and the later is happy knowing that Jimin and Jungkook liking each other's presence, he believes it will not take them much time to get mate, saying bye they hung up.

Jimin saw Jungkook is not back yet so he decided to call his mother as he didn't talked to her after second day of his marriage.

"Eomma, How are you?" First thing he asked after the phone was picked up by his mother, his brows knitted together as he felt his mother sounded really tired. They talked, she asked about Jimin's life after being mated, to which Jimin happily replies that he is happy and lucky, to have a husband like Jungkook, not knowing the said husband is behind him and listen very good things about himself. "Yeah he takes good care of me... Why you sound sad? Is there something I don't know?" He finally asked, not able to hold himself but being worried. Even though his mother denied and it didn't sit well with him but he didn't force his mother to spill whatever is going in her life, he just wished that maybe someday his Alpha Father realised how important Omega's are and stop treating them like a trash. 

Jimin sighed as he hung up the phone and leaned back on the sofa to rest his head back, it was a very great day, first he had so much fun with Jin and then he spent a lot of time with his husband. Oh, now they have to go to the party too.

And Jimin is hella nervous for that.

What if he made fool of himself in front of them?

What if he left a bad impression on them as Jungkook's husband?

What if they didn't like him?

So many What ifs coming in his mind making him more anxious, but his negative thoughts cuts of by his husband's voice.

"We should get ready, the place is far from here, it will take much time to reach there." Jungkook informed him, as he looked at the Alpha and nodded his head, he stood up from the couch to go to their room to get ready for the party.


The room is filled with Rosemary scent as Jimin walked out of the bathroom freshly showered in a grey colour bathrobe, the Alpha has decided to take a bath in the guest room since he didn't wanted to disturb the Omega or make him uncomfortable.

Jimin dried his hair with a towel as he applied moisturizer on his pale skin, and took out the suit Jungkook bought for him.

Jimin wore it quickly without wasting any time as he looked at himself in the mirror after making his hair and applying makeup.

Jimin wore it quickly without wasting any time as he looked at himself in the mirror after making his hair and applying makeup

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