19. I got you baby.

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Around 2 am Jungkook came back from his office, he didn't wanted to leave his Omega but the company manger messed up with some papers and the Park's.

He walked inside the dark room carefully not wanting to disturb the Omega who is asleep as he assumed, throwing his office bag on the couch, he walked towards his wardrobe to take comfortable clothes to change.

After changing his clothes he walked towards his bed, where his Omega is sleeping under the covers, he slowly lifted the covers, getting beside the Omega, Jungkook turned him towards him and pulled him closer, the Omega whined but settled on the Alpha's chest, unconsciously burying his nose in the Alpha's scent gland.

The Alpha sighed as he kissed Omega's cheek, rubbing his nose in the Omega's soft cheeks, he just love his natural scent so much. He never had thought that he would cherish his Omega like he is right now, he just wants to hide his small Omega in his arms and never let go. He is so soft and squishy.

A soft smile appeared on the Alpha's lips, but soon his expressions turned into frown when he realised his Omega's scent is a little sour.

His nose scrunched up, the Alpha opened the night lamp on his side, ignoring the whining Omega Jungkook pulled him away to look at him, his gaze strikes to the Omega's face which is stained with dried tears. His brows furrowed as he attempt to shook the Omega, wake him up and ask the reason of his tears, but he dismissed the idea since he doesn't want to wake up his Omega. The asleep Omega himself wrapped his arms around Jungkook's torso and buried himself in his mate's warm embrace making the Alpha smile.

"I will never let you go." The Alpha promised to himself wrapped his strong arms around Jimin's waist pulling him impossibly closer as he remembered his conversation with Hoseok in his office.

"Jungkook, you should tell everything to Jimin or it will create a huge misunderstanding between you two." Jungkook's frown deepened hearing Hoseok who is just worried for both of them. "I don't want to see him getting hurt."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow looking at his personal secretary.

"I have seen him getting hurt since childhood, he wasn't very fond of Alpha's because of his asshole father, he used to freaked out even if someone raised a little bit voice at him, he used to keep 10 steps distance from every Alpha, I don't want to think about you the same." Hoseok completed, his eyes filled with tears as he looked at Jungkook whose Alpha is getting furious. "I know I don't have any right to tell you all these and give you any suggestions since I haven't done anything better for him, I left him when he needed me the most-"

"You were helpless Hoseok, and I know you are worried about Jimin, but I can assure you Jimin will be away from all this. I will make sure his father regrets every second where he made my omega sad." Jungkook assured Hoseok who nodded his head with light smile.

"I am glad you are Jimin's mate, he really deserves an alpha like you." Hoseok said genuinely.

"Well, enough about Jimin... Tell me how Mr. Kim is courting you?" Jungkook asked a smirk formed on the corner of his lips as he saw hoseok's strawberry scent turned sweeter.

"I told him about Soo Hyun... He is really a great Alpha, he is ready to take our responsibility." Hoseok mumbled as he shyly looked down.

"That's great."


In the morning, when Jungkook woke up he didn't found Jimin beside him, thinking he will talk to Jimin later, he headed to bathroom for shower.

Reaching in the living room, the Alpha found his father, who is not looking very pleased by his expressions. Still, to test waters he walked towards him to greet him, he kissed his Omega father's forehead mumbling 'good morning', but the older just rolled his eyes.

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