06. Ready to mate?

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After changing his clothes Jimin came out of the bathroom just to find the room empty. He took his phone from the table and checked if he had any notification but found none, he sighed as he thought if he should go out of the room or not. He didn't want to look desperate but he didn't wanted to sit all alone. Suddenly his mind drifted back to some minutes ago when he talked to the Alpha.

The Alpha seems to be very kind, Jimin didn't know as a person, but sometimes his uncle used to mention the latters name between their conversation and of course he has seen him in magazines and newspapers. He never thought the person will be his husband.

He was anxious and scared when that Alpha's family called him just an hour ago and told him about the Alpha ran away with some other omega, he can never forget how his father looked at him in disappointment. He noticed in his childhood that his father didn't adore him much if he compared it to how he behaves towards his Alpha brother Ji-hyun. He used to think maybe it's because he is so fragile omega but later he got to know that it wasn't a matter, but it's because his omega uncle ran away that's why his father isn't fond of in Omega's.

He thinks that they all are whores.

He was thankful that his uncle came to his marriage even after his father bitter behaviour towards him. Since he is the first born, his uncle used to visit him secretly in his childhood, he remembers how his mother always used to take him in some park or restaurant and where they used to meet his uncle.

Before the wedding, he asked to his father that if he can call his uncle, the old man didn't said yes nor he denied. So, Jimin happily and excitedly called him and invited him who agreed without wasting any second.

But... His fucked up fate happened and that Taemin bastard ran away.

He can't tell why the Alpha suddenly said yes for the marriage. Jimin's heart clenched as he remembered how the Alpha just wanted to take his father out of this but ended up himself getting entangled in the mess.

Sighing heavily Nth time After an hour finally he decided to out and find his uncle now who is also his father-in-law.

Peeking out of his room, he slowly walked down with steady steps, as his uncle already took him in the kitchen when they arrived so he knows the way, he walked towards the kitchen just to see his uncle telling the workers what they are going to cook. His heart thumped when his uncle caught him peeking from the kitchen door. But relief took over in his features when Mr. Jeon threw a smile at him. 

"Jimin I want to talk to you." Mr. Jeon said as he saw the Omega nodded. "Let's go to my room." He said taking Jimin's hand and dragged him towards his room.

Jimin is amazed by the every corner of the house just like now, when he saw Mr. Jeon's room. The walls, curtains and sheets are in pastel colours, everything is so beautiful, it's so different from his and Jungkook's room.

"Sit." Mr. Jeon said to Jimin as he patted a place beside him, the younger omega walked towards the elder and sat beside him. "Do you like your room? If you want to change anything feel free to do anything." Mr. Jeon said as he saw the boy smiled but shooked his head.

"Everything is beautiful. I don't think I have to do that... Thankyou uncle, thankyou for everything." He mumbled as he saw the elder omega frowned.

"What the fuc-..." Mr. Jeon stopped. "Why are you thanking me? I am the one who should be thankful. Now I don't have to worry about that my kook will marry some ass omega who are always high on their attitudes." Mr. Jeon said as he scoffed. "And who the hell is your uncle?"  Mr. Jeon raises an eyebrow as he looked at him with open mouth.

"I- Mr. Jeon... Um uncl-" Jimin stuttered as he looked at his uncle, he didn't know what he wanted to be called.

"Dad is fine." Mr. Jeon said giggling while pinching his both cheeks.

"Ok Dada." Unconsciously it's rolls out from Jimin's tongue, for a second he panicked thinking maybe the older didn't like it but sighed in relief when his uncle blinked happily hugging him tightly.

"I am so happy for you and my kook." Mr. Jeon mumbled hugging him as they both parted and Mr. Jeon looked at Jimin seriously. "Jimin I have to ask... Are you ready to mate Jungkook?" Mr. Jeon asked and Jimin's eyes widened.

How can he forgot about it.

· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·

"Hoseok... Mr. Kim is here." A omega staff member who is also Hoseok's friends said peeking her head from the door. Hoseok's heart jumped hearing the news, he quickly stood up from his chair and straighten his clothes before making his appearance in the meeting room.

Taking the files which has kept all the information about their deals with kims he walked out of his office room to go towards the meeting room.

Outside of the meeting room he greeted Mr. Kim secretory who is an mated omega. After taking some Deep breaths and walked in just to be greeted by Mr. Kim.

"What took you so long sweetheart." His breath hitched when Mr. Kim's voice rang in his ears.

To be Continued.

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