03. "Jungkook Marry Him".

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The Alpha clumsily ran inside, he can see the guest murmuring something in eachother's ears, everyone has shocked expressions. Ignoring them he walked further and tried to ask to someone, but he didn't know anyone here.

His eyes landed on the girl who is running towards him, his brows furrowed as he looked at the panting girl, she looks around 14. "Are you Jeon Jungkook Hyung?" Avoiding the questions coming in his mind he eagerly nodded at girl as he saw how the girl's eyes lit up.

"Do you know where's my dad?" Jungkook asked ignoring how some filthy Omega's looking at him and realising their sweet pheromones which is not as sweet as they are thinking, Jungkook wanted to growl at them, but he don't want anyone's attention there so he tried to focus on the girl.

"That's why I am here to take you to him, follow me." The girl said and started walking and Jungkook followed her in the corridors which are empty, they stopped in front of the room. "Go Inside." The girl pointed at the door and then she walked away leaving him alone standing there.

He was about to turn the doorknob but stopped after thinking some seconds he lightly knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" He sighed in relief hearing his father's voice.

"Dad it's me-"

"What are you waiting for come inside the room." His father said desperately. And without wasting any time the Alpha turned the doorknob and steps in the room to find his father sitting on the big sofa looking back at him with his tearful eyes, then his eyes landed on boy's head resting on his father's lap, his father's is caressing the boy's soft hair with his fingers, the boy is sitting on the floor not caring about his white suit, his head is burried in his father's stomach. The room is reeked of sour pheromones, Jungkook's heart accelerated when he heard a sob from the Omega. Maybe he smelled him too, he can see how the Omega tensed for some seconds. "Jimin." He saw how his father softly patted the Omega's back, who cluched in his father's shirt more but the name caught his attention 'Jimin' he heard it somewhere but he can't remember it now. "I have to talk to him." His father said again but the latter is sticking to him like his life depends on it. His father sighed then looked at his son. "Jungkook sit."

The Alpha nodded walking towards the sofa and sat on it maintaining some distance from the Omega. "Dad why did you called me?" He asked as he tried to control his wild wolf who wants to take the Omega in his arms and hide him.

"You heard the rumours outside, didn't you?" His father asked as he nodded his head.

"Poor omega."

"The Alpha is in love with a another omega."

"Maybe now he just have to mate with an old Alpha."

"His father didn't like him much, he just wanted to get rid of him."

His father smiled sadly looking at Omega whose body is shaking with uncontrollable sobs. "Jungkook... Will you do what I want?" The Alpha's heart thumped in his chest, what does his father wants? He tried think many possible things but his wolf is fucking up with his mind.

"What do you want Dad?" He asked taking one of his father's hand on his, he saw how his father looked away from him to look at the Omega.

"I... Jungkook marry him." His mind stopped, his head snapped towards the Omega who is also tensed on his father's lap. He looked at his father who turned towards him and looked at him with his pleading doe eyes. "Please Jungkook."

His breath hitched as he stood up from the sofa leaving his father's hand and walked towards the door. "Dad let's go from here." Ignoring everything he said as he saw his father shooked his head and some of tears slipped from his eyes. "Let's go dad please." He said again. He never thought that his father will ask him something like this, it's not a joke, how can he asked him to marry someone whom he never knew. He shooked his head, no it's not gonna happen and he can't make decisions in rush.

"Jungkook please listen to me, you-" His dad again tried to say something but his words cuts of.

"Uncle Jeon you should go now." He heard the Omega's raspy voice because of crying. And a memory from morning came in his mind.

"oh ok, um your name"


He remembered it now, this is the person who called him in the morning.

"Jimin... Don't worry everything will be fine. Just sit here and wait for me i-" His father said cupping the Omega's face and wiped his tears, but the Omega shooked his head crying more.

"Y-You shouldn't be here in the first place no one helped you when you needed them..." The Omega mumbled looking down and Jungkook fist clenched hearing the Omega's words. "And I am glad you came... B-But everything is done uncle, now whatever will happen with me I will accept." The Omega cried hugging his father.

"Shut the fuck up." The Alpha wanted to laugh as he saw how his father scolded the petit Omega, even though he can't see the Omega's face since the Omega's back is facing him. He omega sniffles can be heard in the room.

Seems like The Omega shooked his head, and turned around towards the Alpha just to knock his breath out. The wolf howled in his chest looking at the beautiful omega, his black hair is sticking in his forehead, eyes swollen and shining like a diamond with a new set of tears which is ready to be spilled, his rosy cheeks are stained in tears, perfect smaller nose and full lips. The Omega's perfect.

That Alpha was unlucky bastard who ran away leaving the beautiful omega behind.

And Mr. Jeon seems to understand everything whatever going on his son's mind.

"Please take him away." The Omega muttered his lips trembled, tears fell down from his eyes, not able to look at the Alpha anymore he again hugged his uncle. "Thankyou for coming uncle Jeon."  The Omega mumbled.

Jungkook's omega father sighed patting the Omega's head. "Jungkook let's go." He said as he saw how the younger alpha gulped.

To be Continued

To be Continued

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