07. It's too soon.

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"What took you so long sweetheart." His breath hitched when Mr. Kim's voice rang in his ears.

Hoseok's heart thumped wildly in his chest as he jumped and turned around to see Mr. Kim is standing leaning on the wall beside the door.

Hoseok's expressions turned sour, 'why the fuck he always has to scared the shit out of me.' Hoseok thought to himself.

"Please take your seat Mr. Kim." Hoseok said his expressions somewhat pissed, Mr. Kim wanted to comment something but he bit his tongue not wanting to pissed the Omega more.

"Whatever you want Mr. Jung." Mr. Kim said taking a seat as he puts his elbow on the table and titled his head to look at Hoseok who rolls his eyes. "Where is Mr. Jeon?" He asked raising an eyebrow at the later.

"Something personal came up, so he left earlier than usual." Hoseok replied as he bit his lip nervously. "Um... Let me order something for you." Hoseok said as he was about to ring a bell when the Alpha immediately held his hand.

"No it's okay Mr. Jung, I am fine." Mr. Kim said taking his hand away from the Omega.

"Mr. Kim, I am sorry but I think he will not come back for work.." Hoseok muttered slightly bowing at the Alpha.

"Oh... Than I think I should take my leave." Mr. Kim stood up from his chair but stopped as he looked back at Hoseok. "Umm... Will you join me for a coffee?" Hoseok's heart fluttered as he heard Mr. Kim's voice.

He can't help but to give him a nod.

· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·

The Alpha coughed hearing his Omega father's question.

"Dad isn't it too soon?" Jungkook asked as he wiped his mouth from the tissue which is placed beside his plate.

It's late night, after leaving the Omega in his room the Alpha disappeared in his house somewhere, his father assumed he is in the gym.

After dinning with Omega, Jungkook's father dragged him out from the gym for dinner and they are discussing about something.

"What's too soon?" His Omega father asked with raised eyebrow.

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he knows how stubborn his father his. "Dad I am not backing off for whatever is happening but I want sometime please." The Alpha said desperately.

His father sighed. "Jungkook I am sorry for pressuring you into this." He said genuinely.

"Dad please, it's not your fault nor it's Jimin's... It's our destiny and I accept it. It's just that I want sometime to think of whatever happened and you also know the news will spread like a fire and we have to announce in the media soon." The Alpha said caressed his forehead. It's not easy for him too, he still didn't understand why he said yes for the marriage just after he saw the Omega's crying mess face.

Is it out of pity?

He tried to convince himself to make an excuse but he knows it's not a matter. His alpha isn't ready to take this excuse.

He can't deny that he liked the Omega's scent maybe his alpha is attracted to his scent.

"As you wish Young Jeon, but I can guarantee that soon you will beg to Jimin." He laughed along with his Omega father who is looking so sure about it.

"Why would I beg for it? He is already my husband, isn't he?" The Alpha too jokes as he stood up from the chair with empty plates in his hands as he walked towards the kitchen, he left the plates in the sink and after saying goodnight to his father, as he walked away before his father can comment something else.

He walked upstairs towards his room with steady steps, he never thought he will have to behave like a thief in his own house. The Alpha scolded himself, why he is so nervous? It's just Jimin his husband, right?

Yes right! Whom he didn't even know.

He pouted at his own thoughts.

Shooting away useless thoughts from his mind the Alpha slowly opened the door and peeked inside the room just to find the Omega is sitting on the couch his head falls right and left as he is sleeping in uncomfortable position.

The Alpha sighed heavily heading towards the bathroom to take shower, because his father dragged him out of the gym to directly at the dinning table he wasn't able to shower. After showering and wearing comfortable trouble and loose t-shirt he walked towards the sleeping Omega.

He shook the Omega lightly. "Jimin..."

He heard the Omega whines and turned his face. The Alpha sighed again.

"Jimin wake up, you can't sleep like this." Just as the Alpha shooked his body again he heard the Omega cursed before lazily opening his eyes and the pair of cresent eyes widened when they met with the Alpha's doe eyes.

"Fuc- I am sorry... I slept, actually I was waiting for you and I am so sorry!" The Omega panicked as he stood up from the couch and wiped his mouth to check if he was drooling in his sleep or not.

But thankfully he wasn't.

"It's okay. Don't panick, there's nothing to be worry about. I am sorry for waking you up but it's not really good for your neck to sleep in uncomfortable position." The Alpha said, he looked somewhat awkward. He cleared his throat. "Let's go to sleep."

The Omega raised an eyebrow. "uh?" He bit his lips, he looked confused as the Alpha is speaking in some other language which is out of the world.

The Alpha didn't know how to say it.

What if the Omega got hurt after knowing that the Alpha didn't wanted to mate right now. The Alpha thought to himself.

"Actually I am too sleepy right now let's talk tomorrow okay?" The Alpha said turning around to go towards the bed leaving the confused omega.

The Omega sighed in relief when he understood what alpha meant.

Even though when the Alpha's father asked him if he is ready to mate, his answer was 'Yes'.

But he is thankful that the Alpha decided against.

It's too soon to take another step, they still don't know eachother well, right?

To be Continued.

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