09. Such a gentleman!

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"That motherfucker... I swear to god, only once chance if I get I will choke him with my bare hands." Jin muttered angrily growling while his mouth is full with food.

Jimin's expressions turned bitter as he remembered everything but his sadness turned into happiness when he remembered how he got married to a very sweet and handsome Alpha. "Nothing matters, Hyung I am happy." He smiled looking at his friend.

Jin smirked as he looked at the younger omega with raised eyebrow.

Jimin's cheeks turned red as he got that maybe, not maybe he is 100% that Jin is thinking something dirty. "We haven't done anything." Thank omega muttered as he looked at Jin with disgusting expressions.

"Did I say 'you have done anything'." Jin mimicked the younger as he teased him.

"You didn't, but I know how your Dirty mind works." The Omega pouted as he stuffed his mouth with food looking away from Jin who laughed throwing his head back getting some attention of other costumers who are enjoying their time in restaurant.

Jimin bowed apologetically to everyone while throwing an awkward smile, he turned towards Jin and gritted his teeth but the elder just shrugged. 

Yesterday after spending his time with Jungkook he enjoyed a lot, he got to know many things about his husband and he is happy about it, but today Jungkook has to attend a very important meeting so he left to his office after having breakfast with Jimin and his Omega father, Jimin was getting bored, just as Jin called him that he wants to spend some time with him, even though after thinking some moments, Jimin denied him, he didn't what should he say, but Mr. Jeon scolded him for denying Jin's proposal since he also understand it's too sudden for Jimin, the marriage and everything. Jimin again called Jin to meet, the latter immediately agrees since he was bored too, Mr. Jeon dropped him on his way. He was also going to meet someone in case of his own work. He told Jimin that he will pick him up on the way back.

It's been 2 hours Jin and Jimin are enjoying their time, well more Jin is teasing Jimin. The two Omega's are friends since High school, Jin is senior but the Omega's bond is strong so it didn't matter.

"But, I am genuinely happy for you." Jin said smiling at the younger who sighed heavily but a smile smile appeared on his face as he nodded his head. "Congratulations."

The smile on Jimin's face widened as he mumbled shyly. "Thank you Hyung."

"Well, it's just 4 days but is he treating you good?" Jin asked as he looked concerned for the younger, he knows that Jimin's father didn't respected Omega's, that's why he always avoided visiting Jimin's house.

The smile on the younger omega remains as he answered. "He is, He respect me so much. He wants me to continue my studies and help him in his buisness." The Omega answered as he blushed remembering how the Alpha scolded him when he talked lowly about himself.

Jin's eyes sparkles. "Wow, Really? He is such a gentleman." Just as these words left Jin's mouth.

"Who is such a gentleman?"

Jimin's expressions turned happier as he smiled widely standing up from his seat he walked towards the person. Jin too looks back and rolls his eyes.

"Namjoon Hyung, what a surprise?" Jimin squeeled as he hugged the man who hugged him back.

"I am good Mimi, How are you? I am sorry for not showing up at your marriage." The older Alpha apologized pating the younger's back.

They pulled away and the Omega smiled. "It's okay Hyung, you were busy I understand." Jimin said as he smiled at the elder Alpha.

"Why are you here?" Jin asked bitterness dripping in his voice as he looked at the Alpha.

"Why? Can't I come to see my mate, who is busy praising others." Namjoon said smiling at Jimin as he glares at Jin who scoffed.

"Of course, I will praise every one who will take good care of their mate, unlike you." Jin gritted his teeth while muttering as he glares at his husband who somewhat looked taken aback and Jimin giggles silently while watching the couple bickering.

"Jin, really?" Namjoon asked, his voice low as he tried not to growl, he looked tired.

"Yes Namjoon, Really!" Jin nodded his head as he held Namjoon's arm and squeezed it gently. "Let's go home!" Jin said to Namjoon who sighed, a small smile appeared on his face.

The Alpha nodded as he looked at the younger Omega. "Jimin let's go, send me your address, I will drop you." The Alpha offered.

Jimin shooked his head while smiling. "No Hyung, you looked tired, you should go with Jin Hyung. Don't worry about me, Dada said that he will pick me up." Jimin said as he checked his phone. Yes it's almost the time his father-in-law told him that he will get back.

They bid goodbyes and the elder couple left, Jimin waited half an hour then he hurriedly called his father-in-law to ask why he didn't back yet.

He dials the number and the phone is picked up after 2 rings.

"Hello, Dada... Oh, it's ok... No, no Dada don't worry... I will take cab... No, Dada he has an important meeting... He will be busy... Dada listen-... Ok ok!"

He hangs up the call after giving up. The older told that it will took him more hour's and he called Jungkook who will pick him up since his father-in-law think it's not good to get a cab for a beautiful omega. So he called Jungkook.

Jimin felt butterflies dancing in his stomach in excitement, but on the other side he felt guilty too for disturbing the Alpha.

It didn't took time, he got a call from The Alpha, he walked out to see the Alpha's luxurious car parked outside the restaurant.

He saw the Alpha is about to get out of the car, so he ran to another side to get in the car.

"Jimin what was that? You should ran on the road like this." The Alpha scolded as he offered a water bottle to the panting omega.

The Omega drank the water. "I am sorry for disturbing you at working hours." The Omega apologized as he bit his lips when he saw Alpha's concerned expressions changed into frown.

"You didn't disturbed me Omega, and I don't want to repeat this line in future. You are my responsibility." The Alpha said sternly as he gave the Omega some tissue papers to wipe the water droplets from his lips. "And why you didn't called me earlier, I should have come earlier." Tears gathered in Jimin's eyes as he looked down.

No he is not sad. He is overwhelmed.

Why this Alpha is so caring?

Why didn't his father care for him? like this Alpha does.

Jimin sighed heavily as he looked at the Alpha who panicked when he saw tears in Omega's eyes.

"I didn't mean to-" The Alpha wasn't able to complete his sentence and suddenly the Omega hugged him tightly.

To be Continued.

I have a very good plot for this story!

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I have a very good plot for this story!

You all are going to see, a very Angry Alpha Jeon very soon! ;)

Next chapter after 90+ votes!

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