15. Shameless Omega?

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The Omega mumbled something in his sleep as sun rays hit his face, he shifted under the soft silky sheets and turned his head to another side, he tried to sniffs the Alpha's scent, but why it's smell so different today, it's a mix up of his and Jungkook's scent, he can hear the shower running in the bathroom, he snuggles in the Alpha's pillow and smiled taking his scent in his nostrils that's when yesterday's events hit him like a truck.

The Party.

He met Kim Taehyung who turned out Namjoon's brother.

He met his best friend after a long time.

He tasted alcohol first time in his life.

And then he lost his senses.

Suddenly some blurry images clashes in his mind.

He is sitting on the Alpha's lap and kissing him hungrily in the car.

Then in the room, he is trying to rip the Alpha's clothes.

The Omega eyes widened as he jerkily sat up on the bed.

He laid on the bed naked and presented himself in front of the Alpha.

The last image clashes in his mind and he wants to dig his grave right then and there in the corner of the room.

"Oh fuck!" The Omega's head aches as he groaned gripping his hair.

But his mind is drifting towards the night event, trying to remember what happened after he behaves like a slut? What will the Alpha think of him now? What the fuck he behaves like a bitch in heat?

"Oh God!" The Omega whined as he thrashed around in the bed like; a fish out of water.

He didn't feel any pain in his lower back, that's mean he is still virgin, there's no Mark's in his body.

He heard the shower gone off, he quickly covered himself with the sheets and pretend to be still asleep.

He laid down for some minutes, listening to the Alpha's footsteps around the room, he heard the bedroom door being open then closed.

Jimin opened his eyes, as he wanted to scream, frustrated of his own self.

How can he acts so shameless when the Alpha is being so patient with him, he can bet if it's someone else on the Alpha's place he would have fucked him right then and there but the Alpha didn't.

After mourning for some time on his drunk self, he stood up from the bed, he walked towards the bathroom to take shower, he didn't know how will he able to face the Alpha but he can't just sit inside his room all day, maybe the Alpha left for the office, he has time to take some courage and say sorry to alpha for his inappropriate behaviour. Jimin brushes his teeth, looking at the mirror, his eyes landed on his neck and his eyes widened.

His neck and collar bones are full with red marks. 

And that's then and there he realised that he is not wearing his own clothes which he wore last night, but it's Alpha's black shirt, which is large for his own self.

Jimin gasped as he covered his mouth with his palms, his cheeks turned red as tomato, near his scent gland he can the tooth mark.

Which is obviously given by the Alpha.

"Mark me." He remembered how he slurted infront of the Alpha.

He wants to bang his head on the white shinning basin.


He managed to climb down the stairs while hiding behind the pillars, he didn't found Jungkook's dad in the living room maybe he is still in his room, since he came back a lot lately.

He didn't even know how to face the Alpha's father after what he did last night. It's not like he murdered someone but the feeling is same no one can blame him.

When he reaches the kitchen the maids bowed greeting him good morning. "Sir, your breakfast is ready, should I place in out on the table?" She asked politely, Jimin waves his hand, she left from there, he look down to see there's his favourite cupcakes on the counter, his mouth watered, as just he picked up the cupcake to eat, two strong pair of arms wrapped around his waist, the Omega jumped but his senses calmed smelling the familiar scent of his Alpha.

"Never knew my omega could be this wild." Shivers ran down to Jimin's spine hearing the Alpha's husky voice. The cupcake fell down on the kitchen counter as his heart beat fastened, he just wants the ground to open and swallow him.

The Omega gulps, as he placed his palms on the kitchen counter. "I-I was drunk..." Jimin's voice shook in nervousness as he mumbled.

"Do you know how it was hard for me when you presented yourself." Jungkook's wishpers in the Omega's ear.

And without the Omega's permission a wave of slick gushes out of the omega's needy hole.

The Alpha's hold tightened around his waist, he is sure that the Alpha smells him.

Jungkook Alpha's something down there twitched when his nostrils filled with Omega's scent. "What are you doing omega?" The Alpha growled.

"I-I... I don't know, I just can't control..." Jimin's voice trembled as his knees started shaking.

"I don't want to you to regret anything later." The Alpha said, turning the Omega who looked at him with droopy eyes. "Are you still drunk?" The Alpha asked as he saw the Omega shooked his head. He leaned down and kissed Jimin's lips. "I was waiting for you to come down so we can eat." The Alpha mumbled while breathing heavily as he saw the Omega nodded his head while trying to catch his own breathes, he looks hot and cute at the same time. "But now I want to have something else." The Omega bit his lips hearing the Alpha as he wrapped his arms around the Alpha's neck and stood on his toes.

"What do you want to have?" Jimin asked breathlessly, he himself doesn't know from where the confidence is coming inside him.

"You..." The Alpha mumbled as just he smashed their lips together, they both heard someone coughing outside the kitchen.

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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Ok, so I am kinda getting out of my mind lately, so I am taking a break for some weeks, I don't know how long it will be, but I can say I will announce once I come back! Be patient🙏🏻

Thank you so much for supporting me till now.❤️

You guys are amazing.💜

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