05. It's our destiny.

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"Welcome home chim." Mr. Jeon squeeled like a child dragging Jimin in the house leaving the Alpha Alone to carry Jimin's bags.

"Uncle Jeon please wait..." Jimin mumbled looking at the older omega who stopped dragging him and looked confused.

"What happened? Are you hurt somewhere?" His uncle asked worriedly checking him from up to down.

"No, no I am okay... Umm actually my bags.." Jimin said nervously pointing towards the door as he saw Mr. Jeon rolls his eyes and again grasps his hand.

"Don't worry now you have an alpha you don't have to do these small things by yourself." Mr. Jeon said while shrugging his shoulders and Jimin felt bad for the Alpha as he thought he is also a burden and now the Alpha has to carry his burden too.

Jungkook entered in the house dragging one of the bag and behind him the Buttler came carrying other stuff as he placed them on the living room floor and left after bowing.

Jungkook took the other bags and was about to go towards upstairs that's when he heard his father's voice.

"Jungkook wait." He turned around and saw his father came running from kitchen and behind him a small chick- Jimin with a can of banana milk. His father followed his sight and smirked. "Jimin looked tired take him with you show him your room, I will call you both when the dinner will be ready." Mr. Jeon said lightly pushing Jimin forward who hesitated for some seconds but nonetheless follows the Alpha.

Jungkook nodded and looked at the Omega who is already looking back at him their eyes met and they both blushed furiously, the Omega tried to take a light bag from the Alpha's grasps who just shrugged and walked up followed by the Omega.

The Omega's heart beating wildly in his chest as he follows the Alpha closely, when they reached another floor through upstairs the Alpha turned to another corridor, the house is very big and beautiful, the interior is fancy design in a cream and silver colour. The Omega is amazed by the contrast it's very unique. He didn't realised when they reached to the room when the Alpha's, rich heavily firewood scent filled his nostrils, he hesitated before entering in the room but a nod from the Alpha is enough to encourage him as he steps inside just to be amazed another time. The room is differently design in a compassion with the mansion. The Alpha room is designed with golden, blue and Black colour, the curtains fell on the windows are navy blue the Walls has white and Black paint with a golden design on it. A king size bed, there's lots of photos of Alpha with his family hangs on the wall and by the window he can see a big table with a computer set up on it. The Alpha follows his eye sight after placing the bags in the corner of the room.

"Umm... Actually it's my working table, dad don't like when I spend too much time in the office because of work so I set up here so I don't have to stay at office for long." Jungkook answered the Omega's unasked question. The Omega nodded thinking that the his Alpha is hardworking person. "You can change in the bathroom." The Alpha said pointing towards the door which Jimin didn't noticed earlier beside bathrooms door there's another door and Jimin is curious what's inside. "It's my wardrobe, you can set your clothes inside after taking some rest or whenever you want." The Alpha said while shrugging his shoulders as he is about to go out of the room but a small tug in his sleeves stopped him. The Alpha turned around just to see the Omega is standing very close to him he can smell the Omega's rosemary with a hint of lemon.

The Alpha raised an eyebrow and the Omega gulped before opening his mouth.

"Umm... Thankyou so much, T-Thank you for what you did for me and my family." The Omega mumbled slowly while playing with his Shirts sleeves. "You don't know how thankful and grateful I am, Thankyou." The Omega finished as he bit his lips when he didn't get any reply from the Alpha.

The Alpha looked at the Omega Who looked very sincere that it melts Alpha's cold heart, even though it wasn't cold he is just bitter towards the Omega's family not to the Omega.

The Alpha Sighed softly. "You don't have to be thankful or greatfull Jimin." The Alpha said and the Omega liked how his name rolls in the Alpha's tongue. "I believe whatever happened it's our destiny, it's written to happen in our destiny." The Alpha said sincerely giving the Omega some relief. "Please don't think that I am forced into this, I worked on my Alpha's instincts so I did what my wolf wanted. And it's wants you." The Omega's eyes widened in shock and heartbeat speed up when those words left from Alpha's mouth.

To be Continued.

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