16. Mates.

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Whenever I say I am on break,
Don't take me seriously🤣

Anyways, enjoy.😏

Jimin tried to push Jungkook away but the latter didn't move, Jimin tugged on the Alpha's shirt to give him some hint, but the Alpha's hold around his body tightened as he ignored whoever is outside knowing they are some workers because his dad is still resting in his room. After sucking the hell out of the omega's lips the Alpha moved away as they both are panting.

"A-Alpha." the Omega breathlessly muttered dropping his head on the Alpha's chest who just wants to claim the Omega right then and there. Their sweet scents mingled together making them craves for eachother even more, the Alpha squeezed the Omega's hips who looked at him with droopy eyes.

"To our room?" The Alpha questioned in the Omega's ear whose eyes rolled back as he nodded his head in response. Not wasting any second the Alpha dragged the Omega upstairs towards their room, the door shut by the Alpha and next moment the Omega is thrown on the bed.


"Taehyung, you have to listen to me first." Hoseok almost pleaded as he pulled away and Stopped himself from going further, he didn't want to cross limits.

"I am listening, just tell me." Taehyung mumbled lowly near hoseok's ear, who breaths heavily. "What do you want to say sweetheart?" The Alpha again asked lifting the latter's chin.

Hoseok bit his lower lip nervously. "Before you take some descision about us, I want you to meet someone." The Omega said as he looked he is about to cry, Taehyung released his calming phenomenon to calm him down.

"It's okay sweetheart take as much as time you want, I am waiting for you always." A tear slipped from Hoseok's eyes hearing the sincerity in Taehyung's voice, he hugged the Alpha.

'I don't want to keep you in the dark, I-I am just... I know you will leave me a-after knowing about me.' The Omega muttered under his breath as he lowers his gaze. "Thank you!"

Taehyung nodded his head.

After an hour they stood outside Hoseok's apartment, the Omega fumbled with the keys, his fingertips turned cold, maybe scared of another rejection. He is sure after this he won't give any chance to anyone, he is okay all alone by himself and his little baby-

"Dada!" A voice exclaims just as the door opened, a little girl came towards them and hugged hoseok's torso. The Omega gulped as he didn't dare to look back at the Alpha who maybe hella confused. "Dada... Uncle Yoongi just left me, he said you are on the way, so I was waiting for you." The girls pulled away when Hoseok didn't showed any affection, she explained while pouting, her shiny eyes lost the shine which she holds just some seconds ago, Hoseok came back to his senses, as he kneels down in front of her and pulled her in a hug making her giggles.

"I am sorry for leaving you alone." Hoseok kissed the girl's forehead, in return the girl just clung on his father's embrace. Taehyung got the girl's attention as peeked up at him. He smiled nervously, thinking finally someone got to know about his presence.

"Dada... Who is he?" The girl pointed out towards Hoseok who bit his lips and looked back at the Alpha.

"He... Is my f-friend." Hoseok mumbled as he gazed at Taehyung who is looking back at him with disappointed expressions. "Taehyung, she is my... Daughter... Jung Soo Hyun." Hoseok almost wishpers as his eyes filled with tears, he doesn't want Taehyung to reject him, Taehyung has made a special place in his heart in the time he was courting Hoseok so passionately, like every Omega's dreams about it. He looked at his daughter who is looking at Taehyung with curious eyes and the same smile like Hoseok. "Soo Hyun... He is Kim Taehyung." Hoseok told his daughter who hid herself in his dada's neck just hearing the Alpha's name.

"Hey princess." Surprising Hoseok, the Alpha extended his hand towards the girl who placed his small palms on Taehyung's large one, the Alpha lightly shook her hand making her giggles. "Will you be my new friend? Just like your Dada." The Alpha kneels down in front of her as he suggested, the 5 years old girl squeeled as he looked at Hoseok for permission who nodded his head at the girl, as the girl immediately nodded at Taehyung. "Great." Taehyung muttered in his deep voice, as he pecked her back of hand.

Taehyung glanced at Hoseok who is looking back at him, he knew he had to explain a lot to Taehyung, but only if the Alpha is still wants to be with him.


"Beautiful..." Jungkook groaned kissing the Omega's lips who is moaning mess under him, while the Alpha thrust inside him.

"Alpha... Mate me." Jimin cried wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck, the Omega took control over him, he is not in senses, well he didn't wanted to be in his senses anymore, nor the Alpha.

A shiver ran down to the Alpha's spine hearing the Omega's trembling voice because of pleasure. He gums are aching fangs wants to come out and dig in the Omega's scent gland. "Omega." The Alpha growls sucking the Omega's neck near his scent gland, he can feel the knot forming in the Omega's inside connecting them both, he attached his mouth to Omega's scent gland, scenting him in the process, in no time his fangs are out and digged in the Omega's flesh marking him as his own making the Omega scream his name in repeat. "My Omega." The Alpha muttered as he let go his sperm inside the Omega. "My beautiful omega." The Alpha praises as he leaned down kiss his lips.

"I love you, Jungkook..." The Omega muttered as he passed out right there without hearing the Alpha's response.

A small smile played over at the Alpha's corner of lips, he pulled the Omega closer. "Love you too baby." His smile turned into smirk as his eyes landed on the omega's phone screen which is displaying a lot of missed calls from Jimin's mother but the Alpha threw his phone away and closed his eyes hugging his Omega, filling his nostrils with their mixed up scents.

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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