18. He ruined Park's.

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After a busy day with his husband, Jimin has been in his room since Jungkook has gone to his office for some emergency. The Omega turned on his phone, to get shocked after looking at the screen which displays the number of missed calls he got from his mother. He debates in his mind if he should call his mother or not since it's very late, he is sure that his Alpha Father will be at home at this time, so he decided to call her tomorrow.

But what's if it's something serious?

Jimin bit his lips nervously and decided to call her.

She picked up the call after some rings.

"Hello Eomma..." The Omega greeted his mother.


Jimin's eyebrows knitted together, as he can feel his mother is not doing well.

"Eomma what happened?" He asked worriedly.

"J-Jimin." His heartbeat accelerated as he heard her crying voice. Being an Omega he has faced too many hardship, he is not alone, since childhood he has seen his mother suffering because of his father's strict rules and regulations, now he is out of that hell hole and never wanted to be in the situation again, but what about his eomma who is bearing his father since forever.

"Tell me please." He pleaded, as tears gathered in his eyes.

"J-Jimin... Everything is gone." Jimin heart clenched hearing his mother's painful voice.

"Why? How? Mom please tell me clearly. I don't understand anything." Jimin asked desperately.

"Jimin, before your marriage with Choi's son, your father sealed a deal that they will help in your father's buisness, but... They didn't come and you married to Jungkook and now everything went down. Now, we are struggling to keep the house." His mother cried, even though Jimin is thankful that he didn't married to Choi's son, who knows maybe they are just like his father, looking down at Omega as if they are some trash.

The Omega gulps a lump down his throat. "What are they upto?" The Omega asked, knowing well that his Alpha Father can cross his limits to save his pride and house.

He was thinking how can his dad can save his own that's when his mom's trembling voice rang in his ears. "Jimin we can't do anything now, your dad had asked for a lone from the bank years ago, and he didn't able to pay it back, the bank has our property papers, they will sell it in a week."

A shiver ran down to the Omega's spine hearing his mom words, he didn't pities his arrogant father, but thinking about the house where he spent his childhood he grows up, the house will be taken by someone, and it's making him sad. The house has bad memories with his father but a good one too when it comes to his mother and Alpha brother.

"W-What?" The Omega wishpers as he can heard his mother is sobbing on the other side. "Now what? Where will you go?" Jimin asked, still shocked.

"There's nothing we can do, if your dad didn't able to pay the debt in a week, we have to move out. Your aunt called me yesterday when she got to know about it, she offered me that I and Ji-hyun can live with her, she knows how your dad is so..." Of course Jimin knows his aunt his mother's sister is very sweet, she would gladly help them but no his dad since their relationship isn't good since the beginning just because of his dad's low thinking about Omega's, the Omega didn't realised how he is reeking full of sour pheromones and it's spreading in his room.

Jimin sighed in relief, he was about to speak, that's when he heard shuffling sounds from other side, it's like someone screaming and shouting, the voices getting louder and he recognised It's his father.

"Yes, I know it's him."

"The Jeon."

"He is doing all this to get revenge from us for not helping his father."

"He married to Jimin to torture us."

"He gave money to Choi's and they left, he wanted to get revenge by insulting me, but suddenly he himself married to Jimin."

"It's all his planning."

He was saying more things but Jimin didn't hear him, the phone slipped down from his grip, he is shocked to his core.

His father is lying right?

How can Jungkook-

No, it can't be true!

It's not true!

Or is it?

He shouldn't just believe in his father's words.

First he should confront Jungkook, his heart is telling him to believe Jungkook, believe his mate, but his mind is screaming opposite, it felt betrayed by their Alpha.

A tear slipped down from his eyes to his chin, some dropped more and soon he is cry mess and sobbing, in under covers. It's already late night and Jungkook hasn't arrived yet, Jimin's mind is filing up with nagative thoughts, like;

What if, it's all Jungkook's act?

He just wanted to get in Jimin's pants, right? at the thought his Omega whines out and scolded him saying if he just wanted to get in his pants he shouldn't have mate him.


"I have to believe Jungkook, Namjoon Hyung knows him, Hoseok told me that Jungkook helped him a lot when he was in real trouble, he is my mate I should believe him." Jimin muttered under his breath feeling ashamed even blaming Jungkook for the thing he might hasn't done. 'If Jungkook will know about my thoughts he will definitely hate me.' His omega whines inside his, how can he think so low about their Alpha.

For some moments in blaming Jungkook how can he forgot how his father treated him like a trash, he ignored him like he is some disease, he never cared about him, he didn't wanted to have a omega son like him.

He didn't even know why he is crying over the things which didn't matter anymore, his father didn't matter anymore. He didn't know why he is being so venerable at the moment, maybe because he is freshly marked and his Omega is carving for their Alpha's presence.

The Omega sniffles, he dragged the Alpha's pillow under the covers and buried his nose in the soft fabric which still has Alpha's musky firewood scent.

'Jungkook.' The Omega mumbled as he didn't know when he dozed off.

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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