10. Party invitation.

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"I didn't mean to-" The Alpha wasn't able to complete his sentence and suddenly the Omega hugged him tightly.

The Alpha remains frozen in his place as his brain is slowly processing what happening.

"W-Why all Alpha's are not like you?" Jimin mumbled nuzzling his nose in the Alpha's neck.

Jungkook gently wrapped his arms around the Omega's waist as his lips slightly curled upwards he chuckled.

The Omega's eyes widened as he realised his own actions, he pulled away to look at the Alpha who didn't showed any signs of discomfort. The Omega cleared his throat. "I am sorry... It was overwhelming." Jimin mumbled as he wiped his tears.

"It's alright, You don't have to be sorry." Jungkook said as he remembered something. "Actually I want to ask you something." The Alpha asked getting the Omega's attention.

Jimin nodded his head.

"I am invited in a Party by My one of Buisness Partner. Will you accompany me there?" The Alpha asked as he started the car.

Jimin bit his lips as he doesn't know how to answer the Alpha's question, he felt anxious, since he hasn't been in any Parties, it's not like he is not a party person but his Alpha Father didn't allowed him to go out with Alpha's or Hangout till late night.

"Don't feel pressure, it's depends on you, you are free to say no." Getting hint of Omega's distress the Alpha tried to assure him again melting his heart, Damn- he is so lucky to get a husband like Jeon Jungkook by chance.

The Omega smiled and nodded his head. "I will join you." The Omega replied in soft voice.

"Thank you! Let's get something for you for the party." The Alpha said and Jimin wants to deny the Alpha, since Mr. Jeon has already filled Jimin's wardrobe with luxury clothes but his heart didn't agrees to his mind, he didn't wanted to say no to the Alpha. His Omega wagging his tail happily.

So, he Just nodded shyly.


After Jungkook chooses the best outfit for Jimin, he didn't waste any time to get it, even after so many protest from Omega, because it's very expensive.

The Omega is sulking as he hugged the clothes bag to his chest while sitting on the passenger seat.

"Oh come on it's not that much expensive." The Alpha said Nth tried to make him talk, he just wanted to kiss his pouty lips but he has to control himself.

"With that money I could have paid my college fees for one year." The Omega said sadly, he is looking like he got robbed just now, well for him it's same thing.

The Alpha chuckled as he looked at the Omega's sad expressions and started laughing loudly making the Omega pout even more. "Hahaha... Sorry but you are looking very cute." The Alpha said as he didn't realised what he said, the Omega's cheeks turned pink as he hid his face in his small palms.

The Alpha's heartbeat fastened as he gulped looking away from the blushing Omega, if it wasn't for them using scent blockers their scents will definitely give away telling each other how much they are effecting eachother.

The Omega shifted in his seat as he sat properly, he looked at the Alpha's handsome face who is focusing on the road. "Thank you for the dress, even though it's very expensive for my liking but it's beautiful." Jimin said sincerely as he heard a ping sound coming from his phone, he unlocked it to check it but locked it again hearing Jungkook's voice.

"Get used to it, and it's beautiful but not more than you." The Alpha replied not averting his gaze from the road as he drove the car in side a five star restaurant.

The Omega's cheeks hurting for smiling so much and blushing. But soon his eyes widened as he found himself in front of an expensive restaurant forgetting about the notifications he got.

"Let's eat something, I haven't had my lunch and I guess you can accompany me and help me to finish my meal." Again the Alpha teased, Since Jimin has already eaten with Jin, he had told Jungkook, but he didn't know that the Alpha hasn't eaten anything, it's almost 3 in the afternoon. 

"Why you have not eaten anything, you should have eat lunch first." The Omega said, he looked apologetic at the Alpha who just shook his head.

"I usually eat this time, don't worry." Jungkook said as without wasting any second, they both got out of the car, the Alpha lead him inside, everything is very beautiful, the staff bowed to the Alpha and lead him towards the private area which he always used for meetings, but today they are surprised since the Alpha never bought Someone other than his buisness partners.

"Do you want to eat something light?" The Alpha asked to the Omega who is busy looking at the restaurants interior design.

The Omega's head snapped towards the Alpha, his eyes sparkle as he shyly nodded his head, he tugged on the Alpha's sleeves who leaned down to hear the Omega's order. "Chicken stew, Buldak, Kimchi and in desert I just want strawberry ice-cream." The Omega wishpers in the Alpha's ear.

The Alpha blinked as he started at the Omega for some seconds, but then he nodded his head and ordered whatever Jimin wants.

Jimin immediately check his phone when Jungkook excuses himself to restroom, he got many missed calls from Jin, he immediately called the other Omega.

The phone rang and picked up in some of last rings.

"Hello Jin Hyung?" The Omega said as Jin scolded him for not picking his call quickly. "I am sorry, I am with Jungkook.

"Oh, ok... I called you to invite you and your husband, it's today, Namjoon's younger brother is throwing a Party, so Namjoon said I can invite you, he wanted to meet your husband, even though they met sometimes for buisness, but you know." Jin informed and Jimin got excited for a second then he remembered Jungkook asked him to accompany him to another party.

Jimin pouted unconsciously. "Hyung I am sorry, I can't come... Actually I am going out with Jungkook. I am really sorry." Jimin apologized for denying Jin's invitation, he didn't wanted to but he has already promised to Jungkook.

"Ah.. it's okay Mimi, Take care, bye I have a lot things to do." Jin hung up after saying bye.

"What happened? Why are you sad?" Jimin jumped on his place as he didn't realised that Jungkook came back from restroom.

Jimin shook his head. "Nothing. I was waiting for yo- food." Jimin mumbled as he saw the waiter came back with their order and the Alpha chuckles at his husband's behaviour. 

To be Continued.

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