17. The Blushing Omega

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Jimin woke up from his deep slumber, he hugged the body closer which is pressed against him, his soft lips streched in a smile remembering the dream he was having where, he and Jungkook are happily mated and playing with their pups.

The Omega lazily opened his eyes, just to get flustered when he realised he face is pressed against Jungkook's neck as the Alpha's arms around his waist locking him in his embrace, he didn't know why his body felt sore and the pain on his neck is unbearable. A red hue crept up on the omega's cheeks when he remembered the earlier moments.

How his Omega took over and demanding to be mated.

His eyes widened, did they mate? He questioned to himself.

Even though he already knows the answer.

"Beautiful Omega." The Alpha's raspy voice heard near his ear as felt goosebumps all over his body. He lifted his gaze up to look at the Alpha who is already looking back at him with his sexy doe eyes, his lips being captured by the Alpha in no time who quickly hovers over his small body kissing him passionately.

The Omega gasped as the Alpha kissed him hungrily, his hands roaming on his naked figure and stopped on his chest as his fingers played with his hard nipples making the Omega moans between the kisses.

Just the Alpha is about to enter inside, the smaller's stomach grumbled making the Alpha's movements stopped abruptly, as he laughed looking at the embarrassed omega who immediately hid his face in his hands. "My hungry Omega." The Alpha bit his neck lightly while chuckling, he stood up from the bed letting the sheets fall over his body, the Omega yelped as he was being picked up by the Alpha who quickly made his way towards the bathroom.


"Mhmm... Let me eat." Jimin pouted as he showed the Alpha face away who is again trying to kiss him, he has been sucking his lips now and then as it's his favourite candy.

"But you aren't letting me eat." The Alpha whined looking at Jimin's pouty lips who blushed profusely, as just the Alpha is about lean in again to kiss his lips.

"Uhmm..." The Omega's eyes widened as he pushed the Alpha away, and looked at this father in law who is standing near the dinning in his pajama pants and shirt, watching the new live k-drama which is going on in his own dinning room. "So cute." He coed at the newly mated couple, of course everyone can smell their new mixed scents.

Jimin blushed profusely as he looked down.

The Alpha just rolled his eyes as he walked towards his father and kissed his forehead. "Morning dad." He greeted his father who smacked his forehead.

"It's evening you brat." Mr. Jeon gritted his teeth twisting Jungkook's ear who mewled in his father's hold and Jimin bit his lips to control his laugh. "We need to talk." He mumbled in serious tone and the Alpha just gulped, he left his son and walked towards the younger omega. "Uhm Uhm... Good morning son-in-law." He teased the younger who squeeled hiding his face behind his palms making the older omega chuckles, he leaned to Jimin's ear and wishpers making the Omega's cheeks red. "So? How was it?"

"Dad..." The Omega whined banging his head lightly on the table as he laughed voicelessly. The both wishpers to each other and the Alpha is looking at them with raised eyebrows trying to hear whatever they are saying.

"Okay Okay, I won't tease you anymore. But, can I borrow your Alpha for some minutes?" Mr. Jeon asked with raised eyebrow as he looked at the Omega with smirk plastered on his face.

"Yes, please take him away." The Omega mumbled with red cheeks as he nodded his head.

Mr. Jeon smiled as he looked at Jimin. "I am happy for you." He said ruffling the younger's hairs who smiled shyly as he hugged the older omega.

"Thank you, Dad." Jimin mumbled as he looked at the Alpha who stood behind some steps away looking at Jimin and his father with smile. Mr. Jeon kissed his forehead lovingly and walked away to his room, Jungkook smiled at the Omega and followed his father to his room.

The Alpha gulped closing the door of his father's room. "Jungkook, what I am hearing this?" The Alpha can heard the disappointment in his father's voice, his fist clenched as he faced his father who sighed heavily.

"Dad, I don't know what you are talking about." The Alpha casually shrugged his shoulders as he saw his father glares at him.

"Jungkook have you think about Jimin before doing all this-" Jungkook cuts of Mr. Jeon's words and spoke up.

"Dad, I know what I am doing." The Alpha's jaw clenched as he gritted his teeth. "I will do, what I have decided." He muttered sternly and Mr. Jeon just sighed tiredly. The Alpha's gaze softened as he looked at his father's tired face. "Dad, is there anything troubling you? Yesterday you took so long and I was worried you know." The Alpha asked concerned.

"Those Wang's are bloody assholes, they are taking longer than usual in delivering the new set of clothes, I want to launch them soon as we have to introduce Jimin to everyone as your omega too." Mr. Jeon creased his forehead while sitting down on the bed.

"Ah... I will talk to Jackson about it, he will definitely scold his mother, she is very lazy when it comes to buisness you know." The Alpha smiled apologetically at his father who rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, that's why I didn't wanted to co-operate with her, but your ass is pestering me so I had to." Mr. Jeon scowls at his son. "Now, get the fuck out of here." The Omega father shouted pushing his alpha son out of his room who stumbled and scoffed.

He heard Jimin's giggle from behind, he might see him when his own father throws him out of his room. He raised his eyebrows at the Omega who bit his lips trying to Stop smiling and the Alpha huffed before caging the Omega between him and the wall.

"Naughty Omega." The Alpha muttered grabbing his waist as the Omega squeeled.

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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