14. Mark me.

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"Can I have this beauty on the dance floor?" Jimin's scent turned sweeter as he immediately turned around to find his husband standing near him.

He Omega's plumpy lips strech in a wide smile and cheeks turned pink as he nodded his head giving his hand to his husband who is waiting to take him to the dance floor.

The Alpha pulled him closer by his waist as he dragged him to the dance floor, where many couples are dancing including a very drunk Jin with Namjoon and Taehyung with Hoseok. He turned to face his Alpha whose arms are already on his waist as he too placed his hand on the Alpha's broad shoulder a smile plastered on his face as his eyes twinkling looking in the Alpha's eyes which held so much adoration and affection for the Omega.

The swayed side by side at the rhythm of the calm music, losing each other in their sparkling eyes.

They can feel the tension bubbling up in each other's stomach. Jimin's omega wants to jump out of happiness.

He never felt so much happy in his life. If the best thing he got from his destiny is this man, he can't believe his Cursed destiny will turned out very good.

In just some days, he trusts a lot in the Alpha.

"Let's go, I want more drinks." They heard Jin say, even though he is already drunk and wanted more, Jimin wants to roll his eyes but didn't, they also followed Namjin along with vhope.

Jimin is not a fan of alcohol, he never tried any since his father was very strict Alpha.

But now he wants to try new things with his alpha by his side so he did, gulped the drink, feeling his throat burning as he shook his head and scrunched up his nose.

He looked at Jungkook who was drinking, laughing while talking with Namjoon and Taehyung, it's like they knew each other for so long. His noticed his husband looked too young while laughing, his eyes crinkles, his bunny teeth on display, his gaze fell on the Alpha's lips as he gulped another glass. He will never get tired of his favourite new view. A shiver ran down to his spine as he remembered the suprise kiss between them at the parking lot, his cheeks heated up at the thought and the desire of kissing the Alpha again.

Maybe people can think it's too soon to think like that but Jimin is feeling his heart slipping away. The Alpha is most desirable, every omega wants his alpha to be like Jungkook, he didn't try to control, or see Jimin as per his rank, he didn't treat him like his father used to do (like his think trash about Omega's) but Thankfully his alpha is opposite he respects him and his descisions.

The Omega gulped another glass, as he felt a burning sensation in his chest, when a girl came towards his alpha to greet him, it's like the alcohol made Jimin kind of deaf, he can't hear their conversation, but he can observe the girl's attitude towards his alpha which is not so much appropriate, she is continuously placing his hand on his biceps even though the Alpha is slapping away her hand politely, she seems like whore to Jimin, Jimin's omega felt bitter as he whines from inside.

Jimin's eyes met with the Alpha who seems to calling him, Jimin clumsily placed the empty glass on the counter and walked towards the Alpha with his blurry view, when he reaches almost near the Alpha, he rolls his eyes ignoring the girl and wrapped his arms around the Alpha's torso surprising the Alpha who also placed his arm around Jimin's shoulder.

Everything is blurry to Jimin, he placed his head on the Alpha's chest breathing in his firewood scent, he still hasn't lost his all senses, but he will soon.

The Omega smiled as he heard the Alpha told the girl that Jimin is his husband, Jimin wanted to look at her face to see the reaction, but he is too drunk to give two fucks for her reactions, he is just too much happy about the fact that Jungkook is Announcing in front of everyone about their relationship without any hesitation.

He is just perfect Alpha, just for him.

He didn't remember when they walked out from the venue, if didn't remember saying bye to Hoseok and Jin.

But his droopy eyes opened and he found the Alpha very close to him, he can feel his breathes over his own lips.

The situation is that; they are in the car, the Alpha is on driver seat and he is on passanger seat and the Alpha is unbuckling his seatbelt.

The Omega's breaths gets uneven, his hurt thumped loudly against his chest when his gaze fell on the Alpha's dry lips.

He unconsciously licked his lips, titling his head, he moved upwards a bit and placed his luscious lips on the Alpha's thin and dry one's.

The Omega wrapped his arms around the Alpha's neck as he pulled him closer.

He moved away to look at the Alpha's wide doe eyes. "Alpha... Mark me." Jimin mumbled resting his head on the head rest as he is drunk as fuck.

Jungkook sighed heavily. "Jimin, I would gladly. But you are drunk."

"What it has to do with my drunk self." The Omega almost whines making the Alpha chuckle.

"It has everything, I don't want you to regret anything in the morning when you see my mark on your neck." Just hearing the last line, arousal hits Jimin like a truck and a wave of slick gushes out of his butt hole.

The Alpha's mark on his neck! It's sounds so perfect.

The Omega mewled as he closed legs feeling wetness in his pants, he is sure that he has ruined the car seat too, but did he care?

His nose twitched at the Alpha's arousal as he looked at the Alpha. Jimin's eyes watered as he bit his lips. "Don't you want me?"

The Alpha's breath hitched as he shook his head. "I want to mar-" The Alpha's words cuts of when the Omega again pulled him closer by his collars and smashed their lips together in a heated kiss.

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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I am trying to get motivation to continue writing, and you all can help me.🥲

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I am so stressed that I wasn't able to enjoy BTS day.

Happy 10 years with BTS💜


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