22. The luckiest Omega.

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"it's yours, Jimin." Jungkook said, he realised his pheromones to calm the Omega down. "The property is about to taken away from someone, so I decided to buy it." Jimin held the document with his trembling fingers as he looked at the Alpha with confused expressions. "And... I want to give it to you." Jungkook stated, sighing heavily as he looked at the Omega, he don't want the Omega to miss understood him.

Mr. Jeon, looked at the newly mated couple with worried eyes. "Jungkook... I think you should take Jimin with you to your room and make him understand your intentions, till then I will be with Hoseok." Mr. Jeon said eyeing Jungkook who gave him an understanding nod, as he took his Omega's hand and dragged him upstairs.

Hoseok smiled at Mr. Jeon who scoffed while eyeing his ring finger. Hoseok eyes widened as he realised that he still hasn't broke the new of his engagement in front of Mr. Jeon. "Uncle actually-"

"Don't uncle me." Mr. Jeon said as he rolls his eyes.


Jimin is quite all the time and Jungkook thought the Omega is upset or angry, not knowing Jimin Wolf's is cursing Jimin's brain for doubting his alpha, his wolf just wanted to bury him somewhere.

"Jimin why are you not saying anything?" The Alpha asked softly pulling the Omega beside him on the bed.

Jimin tried to control his tears as he looked down at his lap, anxiously playing with his trembling fingers. What should he supposed to say? He didn't realised when his turned sour.

Smelling the Omega's sour pheromones, Jungkook's Alpha growled in restlessness, he didn't like his Omega being upset or sad. He can smell the change in his scent. Jungkook swiftly pulled the smaller in his lap. "Why are you upset?" The Alpha asked with frown.

Jimin bit his lips as his wolf wimpered. "I-I... for a moment... I thought." Jimin wasn't able to complete his sentence as looked down ashamed to meet eyes with the Alpha.

"You thought that I am doing it to get revenge from your father." Jungkook chuckled softly as he lifted the Omega's face to look in his eyes. He is not angry at the Omega, anyone can think like that after how suspicious they were acting in the living, overall his dad's overacting, How he was looking seriously and sighing now and then.

Hearing the Alpha, Jimin bit his lips wasn't able to answer the Alpha's question. "I-I am sorry." He muttered lowly as he again hung his head down with a pout.

"Jimin, how many times I have to say stop with that sorry of yours." Jungkook said, his voice is stern as he again lifted the Omega's face. "And I want to say it clearly, I haven't done anything whatever your father said, he is completely lying to ruin our relationship baby." Jungkook said as he saw the Omega's eyes filled with tears. "You don't have to be sad about it, and I bought Park's properties because of you, you were so sad yesterday and my wolf don't want to see you like that in the future." Jungkook kissed his lips to make himself calm, since he mated with the Omega his Alpha is going insane for the Omega. "I have transferred it into your's name, you can do it Anything you want. The house and the company shares, Both belongs to you." Jungkook informed him as Jimin's mouth opened in shock.

"What will I do with those shares, I am still a student and I don't know anything about it yet." The Omega questions, being stunned, how can he doubt an alpha like Jungkook, who always think about everyone.

"It's your choice Jimin, do whatever you want, I won't interfere." Perhaps the Alpha is helping his family but don't want to say it clearly? Jimin's thought his wolf mewled in happiness thinking how thoughtful his Alpha is.

"Can I give the house keys to my mother, so they don't have to leave?" Jimin hesitantly asked, maybe he is testing Alpha's patient, The Alpha has brought it and even given it to Jimin, Is Jimin being selfish for making such demand knowing how much his family make The Alpha bitter. Whatever the Alpha will decide Jimin will accept it, he is just worried about his mother and brother, his don't give two fucks about his father.

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