08. Already a burden.

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The next morning isn't very pleasing for Jimin since he woke up late, he didn't wanted to make bad impression about himself in the first day after marriage, it's not like he believes everyone should be perfect, but still atleast on the first day, he is so much embarrassed he didn't have the courage to go down and greet his father in law and husband whom he didn't found when he woke up. He again looked at the digital clock which is placed on the night stand.

It shows 09:30 am. Isn't it too late? Maybe he got so much comfortable on those soft mattresses that he forgot to wake up, usually he is a morning person since he is still a student in his last year, his college started at sharp 08:00 so he used to wake up at 07:00 but what happened today is unexpected.

He flinches hearing a knock on the door, he hesitantly walked towards the door and opened it just to hit by firewood scent and others mixed up smells, his eyes lifted up find his husband standing in front of him looking very messy but still handsome, he is in still night clothes, with an apron tied over his perfect build body, flour is sticking, here and there on his sweaty skin and clothes, his messy curls, he looked so cute and hot at the same time and Jimin wanted to keep looking at him. Jimin looked down in embarrassment as he scolded his Omega for drooling over on his own husband. Seems like Jungkook noticed his unwavering gaze.

"Good Morning." The Alpha greeted him with his morning's voice which Jimin found very sexy which can sting his insides, he also mumbled in a small voice. "I am sorry if I disturbed you, but I have to take shower." He blinked many times as he looked at his husband with eyes.

"No no, you didn't disturbed me, and please don't hesitate to come into your room." The Omega muttered in a low voice looking at the Alpha with shocked eyes. He can't help but to feel guilty thinking the kind hearted Alpha is hesitating just because of him.

Jimin backed away so he can enter in the room. The Alpha thanked him for making his way towards his wardrobe, Taking comfortable clothes he walked towards the bathroom but stopped at the door and turned back to look at Jimin who is still standing in the previous position.

"Jimin." The Omega's ears perked up as he looked at the Alpha. "Would you mind helping me?" The Alpha asked as his corners of lips slightly curled upwards when the Omega eagerly nodded his head. "Dad is out for some work, I made breakfast for us can you set the table till I come back." The Alpha asked and the Omega again nodded his head eagerly. "Thankyou." The Alpha mumbled as he left to take shower leaving his flushed husband.

The Omega's cheeks turned beet red and the scent turned even sweeter, as he smiled shyly looking at the bathroom room then without wasting any time he turned and left his room to do what the Alpha requested.

The Omega's nostrils are filled with many sweet smells just as he set his foot in the kitchen. He looked at the kitchen counter with wide eyes, The Alpha prepared a lot for just two of them and everything is set he just have to shift it on the table. His mouth watered as his gaze fell on his favourite chocolate cupcakes which is also made by the Alpha, he just wanted to stuffed these delicious cakes and pancakes in his mouth, but he should wait for the Alpha, taking the plates one by one he sets everything on the table which is not far away from the kitchen.

After setting up everything, Jimin pulled out a chair to sit on, just as he sat his phone rang, he smiled looking at the screen it's his mother.

"Eomma, I missed you." Picking up the call he uttered stretching the words. "Yes, Uncle Jeon is treating me very well like always." Jimin bit his lips when his mother asked him about his husband. "Yeah, he is nice." Jimin mumbled as his lips streched in shy smile. He talked sometime with his mother and asked about his brother as he is talking to his mother he felt a presence behind him, he hanged up the call as he looked at the freshly showered Alpha.

"Did I took too long?" The Alpha asked to the Omega as he sat on the chair beside the Omega, who blushed shaking his head. "Let's eat, before it's get colder." Jungkook said as they both started eating.

The Omega unconsciously moaned at the taste of his favourite chocolate cupcakes. The Alpha looked pleased watching the Omega enjoying the Breakfast he had made.

After breakfast the Omega washed the dishes, even after the Alpha insisted that he shouldn't have to do that, they have workers for that, but this Omega seems stubborn.

The awkward atmosphere surrounded them as they both played with their own wedding ring on their finger and shifted on their position from time to time, they don't know how to start conversation, at the breakfast table everything seems fine but now as they decide to talk and know each other, suddenly they are feeling awkward around each other.

Breaking the silence the Alpha said. "Dad told me that, you are still studying."

The Omega bit his lips as he nodded his head hesitantly. "Last year of post graduation." The Omega mumbled.

"Accounting?" The Alpha asked raising an eyebrow as he saw the Omega nodded looking at him with big eyes.

Indeed his dad told him so much about the Omega.

"Then you will be helpful in the future for our company." The Alpha said as he saw the Omega looked at him with shocked expressions.

"Can I?" The Omega asked in a low voice. Maybe the Alpha is just joking.

"I will be grateful if you do, I mean choice is yours, I will not force you in anything you don't want!" The Alpha said sincerely smiling at him. The Omega's heart thumped hearing the Alpha's words.

"Then, can I continue my studies?" Again the Omega looked hesitant.

"Offcourse, how can you help me without studying?" The Alpha chuckled lightly.

"I t-thought..." The Omega mumbled with teary eyes, but happy smile plastered on the omega's face.

"What you thought? Did someone said you can't study?" The Alpha said with serious expressions, turning his attention towards the Omega.

The Omega shook his head. "No, I-I am already a burden-" The Omega started but his words cut off by the Alpha.

"Shut up." The Alpha scolded gently. "You don't have any right to call my Omega a burden." The Alpha said and again the Omega smiled shyly as he felt butterflies dancing in his stomach.

"Thankyou so much." The Omega smiled widely till his crescent eyes turned into a smile, at the Alpha who looked pleased at the Omega beautiful smile.

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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