20. I believe you.

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"It's Okay, calm down my love." The Alpha released his calming pheromones to comfort the crying omega and it worked since, now there Wolf's are bonded to each other.

Jimin curled up in his arms burying his face in the crook of the Alpha's neck, breathing in his musky firewood scent.

"Are you feeling better now?" Jungkook asked as pulled his seat back to make more space. Jimin has stopped crying some time ago and feeling a lot better but didn't want to detach himself from the Alpha.

The Omega nodded his head, snuggling into the Alpha's chest.

"Is there anything bothering you?" Jungkook asked softly caressing his hair, kissing his head from time to time to comfort the smaller.

Jimin bit his lip, after battling for some seconds in his head he decided to tell him anyways, Jungkook is his Alpha, his life partner, he has to trust Jungkook no matter what. Taking a deep breath in his Alpha's scent he opened his mouth. "My Dad-" Jimin regretted mentioning his dad, not only because of Jungkook but he also feel bitter about his dad. "Last night I talked to my mother and she told me they are having financial problems there's nothing left." Jimin stopped as he gulped. "D-Dad was furious, he blamed you for his loss..." Jimin hesitantly muttered as he dared to peek up at the Alpha. "He said you did everything intentionally, he even said that you are the one who threatened to Choi's to leave me on the wedding day so you can take your revenge but for some unknown reasons you ended marrying me." Jimin completed, he lowers his gaze, maybe ashamed and scared both. What if it's true? But if it's not it will be very shameful, how can he doubt this man, his pheromones turned sour once again, as he clutches on Jungkook's shirt.

"Do you believe him?" Jungkook asked taking a deep breath to calm himself down, his anger always bubbles up at the mention of Mr. Park he can't himself but to get annoyed, but he remained calm for Jimin's sake.

The Omega's lips turned into pout as he shook his head looking in the Alpha's eyes. "I believe you." Jimin muttered, a small smile appeared on Jungkook's face as his Alpha wants to howl in happiness.

The Alpha hummed.

"I don't care about whatever he says, I even forget about it when today I woke up in your arms." Jimin didn't know why but he decided to explain deeply that he didn't care what others say about his Alpha, because he knows Jungkook is not like they are trying to portray his character in front of him. "You are my Alpha, you complete me! You are the Alpha which every omega dreams about, and I feel lucky to have you all for myself and I believe you the most." Jimin stated, looking in Jungkook's eyes, as the Alpha's expressions softened even more, suddenly he squeezed the smaller in his embrace hugging him tightly making the Omega giggles.

"What if it's true?" The Alpha asked in a serious tone and Jimin stopped giggling, as for some seconds his heart almost stopped, Jimin's omega whines as Jungkook can feel his tensed body in his arms.

Jimin tried to look at the Alpha, as he tried to pull away from Jungkook's arms but his grip around Jimin tightened even more. "Why would you do that?" The Omega nervously.

"I have so many reasons and you also know that." Jungkook muttered, as he placed his hand on the omega's cheeks and looked at him darkly.

Jimin's heart thumped as he tried to stop himself from getting anxious. "You didn't and I know it." Jimin said confidentially.

"How can you believe me so easily and not your Dad?" Jungkook asked as his voice turned even deeper, his dark aura making Jimin's Omega trembling mess in excitement.

"I-I... I trust you, you can't do such things-"Jimin's cheeks turned red as he felt his slick gushing out of his hole, he wants to dig hole somewhere and never come out, his slick is always out in a wrong time, here they are talking very serious but his slick has to come out of nowhere and disturbed the Alpha's something down there which is now poking on the Jibooty.

"Which things?" The Alpha's husky voice in his ear doesn't help but worsen the situation, Jimin can feel his pants getting wet, he is sure that Alpha's pant is also wet by his slick. The Omega wimpered want to grind on the Alpha's hard member, but his human side has some shame, he still remember how greedy he acts after getting drunk, he just don't want to get awkward again. Jungkook's grip around his waist tightened as he pushed his hard against Jimin's ass making the Omega's eyes widened.

"J-Jungkook..." Jimin's voice shook as he looked at Jungkook with wide eyes and opened mouth. His Omega is begging him to grind back, to get some more pleasure, his hole wanted to be filled, his marked neck is aching want to get sucked, his whole body is excited and in need to touch by their Alpha.

"You didn't answer Omega?" The Alpha growls, sending shivers down to Jimin's spine, Jimin's cluching tightly in Jungkook's shirt as he placed his perfectly fine ass on Jungkook's hard member putting his all weight on Jungkook's hard making the Alpha groaned, Jimin's Omega is going insane, he just wants him Alpha inside of him, right now, he wants to be filled with Alpha's cu- "Omega." Jimin snapped out of his thoughts when Jungkook groaned painfully and that's when Jimin realised that how desperately and wildly he is grinding on the Alpha's hard length. "Fuck!" Jungkook Cursed grabbing Jimin by the back of his neck and smashed their lips together in a hungry kiss, they kissed, messily, passionately exploring each other bodies with their hands, Jimin placed his palm on the Alpha's hard clothed dick making him gasped and looked at him with droopy eyes, disheveled hair and swollen glossy lips because of the wild kiss.

"A-Alpha... I want this." Jimin demand in a raspy voice as he felt Jungkook's member twitched under his palm making him grab it.

Jungkook groaned, drops of sweat trickled down on his forehead and chest, he stroked Jimin's cheeks. "It's your's baby, everything is yours."

To be Continued.

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